The purposes of this study were to understand the current situation of lower-extremity weakness in young women and to identify the lifestyle factors associated with the lower-extremity weakness. The subjects were 55 female students in Yamaguchi Prefectural University. Lower extremity muscle strength assessed by 30 second Chair Stand Test were below average in about two thirds of the students. Both percentages of students who used to take more than 8,000 steps a day and those who used to walk at more than 3 METs for more than 20 minutes were significantly low in the students with lower-extremity weakness. Percentage of students who were aware of exercises to maintain good health was also significantly low in those students. Our results suggest that walking habit and health consciousness may be important for the prevention of lower-extremity weakness in young women.
female university students
lower-extremity weakness
lifestyle habits
walking activity
30 second Chair Stand Test