障害者スポーツの普及・促進を図るためには、障害者スポーツについて学習する機会を障害者だけではなく、健常者に対しても設けることが重要である。そこで、本研究では、大学生を対象とした実技型授業と講義型授業において、肢体不自由者が参加できるスポーツを教材に取り入れた単発の授業を各々行い、その教育効果を肢体不自由者のイメージおよび肢体不自由者が参加できるスポーツのイメージの向上という点から検証した。調査は、実際の授業を通して行われ、実技型授業は26名、講義型授業は98名より調査協力を得られた。肢体不自由者のイメージおよび肢体不自由者が参加できるスポーツのイメージの調査については、各5問を設定し、回答は0(全く思わない)から10(とても強く思う)までのnumeric scaleで求めた。実技型授業と講義型授業の授業効果の比較には、反復測定による二元配置分散分析を用いた。調査の結果、全イメージ項目において授業の主効果が認められ、各イメージの向上がみられたが、授業間の交互作用は認められなかった。肢体不自由者が参加できるスポーツを教材に取り入れた実技型授業と講義型授業の両授業において、肢体不自由者のイメージと肢体不自由者が参加できるスポーツのイメージを向上させる教育効果があることがわかった。
Providing opportunities for people with and without physical disabilities to study sports for people with physical disabilities is important to promote interest in these sports. However, most people without a disability do not have such opportunities. This study aimed to investigate whether experimental and classroom education for college students without disabilities would enhance their impressions of people with physical disabilities and the associated sports. We assessed the acute educational effect of a single class session about sports for people with physical disabilities (e.g., wheelchair basketball and sitting volleyball). The study used a non-randomized controlled trial design with two types of education programs: experimental (n=26) and classroom (n=98). Students’ impressions of people with physical disabilities (five items) and of the associated sports (five items) were evaluated on 11-point numeric scales from strongly disagree = 0 to strongly agree = 10. We used two-way analysis of variance to confirm the interaction between the education programs and the time effect (before and after the programs). After education, all items regarding students’ impressions of people with physical disabilities and associated sports were significantly enhanced. There were no significant interactions between the experimental and classroom education programs for any items regarding impressions. Our results suggest that both experimental and classroom education programs about sports for people with physical disabilities are useful for enhancing college students’ impressions of people with physical disability and sports for people with physical disability.