

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 10
published_at 2017-02-28

The report of overseas research on university and society cooperation program : an initiatives of Kyungnam university toward "The community-related university for the future"

大学と地域社会連携プログラムに関する海外調査報告 : 「未来を切り拓く地域感動大学」を目指す慶南大学校の取組
Junge Eun Hee
2.38 MB
The broad theme of this study is to consider how to establish an ideal learning environment for next generation. Based on the theme, the study shows the pioneering examples in the world, and does a comparative analysis of those examples with global perspectives. Finally it suggests how Yamaguchi Prefectural University(YPU) can establish “the learning environment” which includes the strong bond with the local community as YPU’s strength. As a preparatory stage of the study, this paper introduces the initiatives at Kyungnam University in Korea toward "The Community-related University for the future".