Journal of National Fisheries University

PISSN : 0370-9361

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Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 72 Issue 2
published_at 2024-02

Species identification model of the Tiger Pufferfish genus using eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) based convolutional neural network

XAI (説明可能なAI) を踏まえた畳込みニューラルネットワークによるトラフグ属の種判別モデルの検討
Ashida Kanji
5.57 MB
The Tiger Pufferfish (Takifugu rubripes) is a staple in Japanese cuisine, with over ten species of the Takifugu genus found in the surrounding seas. Given that certain parts of the pufferfish are toxic, they are predominantly prepared by trained professionals. Furthermore, species within the Takifugu genus are susceptible to hybridization, leading to an increase in hybrid numbers. However, identifying these hybrids is a challenging and time-consuming task, even for experts. To address this, we developed a transfer learning model using the pretrained VGG16 model to differentiate between pufferfish species. The VGG16 model, commonly used in image recognition, is built on convolutional neural networks. We also implemented Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) for visual interpretation of the model. Grad-CAM generates a heat map that highlights the areas focused on by the AI model in the image, allowing us to identify factors contributing to misjudgment and make further improvements. We used seven species from the Takifugu genus (excluding hybrids), and approximately 15 colored images of each species were prepared for machine learning. The results showed that our model was able to distinguish between pufferfish species with relatively high accuracy, although some misclassification occurred among species with similar body patterns. The Grad-CAM results revealed that the model was able to distinguish body patterns, but some misclassifications occurred due to gravel and background objects being recognized as patterns.
Creator Keywords
Species Identification
Convolutional Neural Network
Deep Learning
XAI(eXplainable Artificial Intelligence)