Journal of National Fisheries University

PISSN : 0370-9361

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Two types of stratified (two-layered) granules (type 1, NG1a; type 2, NG2) in the neutrophils of inshore hagfish Eptatretus burgei showed eosin-positive (positive site: outer layer (L1) of NG1a and inner layer (L0) of NG2). In contrast, both eosin-positive sites have been reported to be basophilic. From present result, it is clarified that both sites exhibit as follows: L1 of NG1a, eosinophilic and mataazurophilic; L0 of NG2, eosinophilic, orthomethylenophilic and mataazurophilic. The inshore hagfish neutrophils phagocytosed zymosan particles, in vitro. All blood cells showing phagocytosis were identified as neutrophil.
PP. 89 - 108
Neutrophil granules (NG) of adult (mature) far eastern brook lamprey Lethenteron reissneri [L. sp. S (souther form)] were classified into two types of stratified [two-layer; inner layer (L0) and outer layer (L1)] granules (type 1, NG1a; type 2, NG2), like as larva (ammocoetes) of this species. The L0 of NG1a and L0 of NG2 in adult neutrophils were chromophobic, and L1 of NG1a and L0 of NG2 showed chromatophilic. The stainability of those chromatophilic layers with May-Grünwald (MG), Giemsa, or MG-Giemsa were varied [chromophobic, eosinophilic or basophilic (orthomethylenophilic or metaazurophilic)] with a slight difference to larva. As seen in larval neutrophils, these layers were positive for alkaline phosphatase,α-naphtyl acetate esterase and Sudan black B, and some enzymes (acid phosphatase, ꞵ-glucuronidase, and naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase) were detected in the L0 of NG2. Alpha-naphtyl acetate esterase was positive in L0 of NG2 of adult neutrophils. Both larval and adult neutrophils lacked peroxidase.
PP. 109 - 122
Based on the findings of past literature, we speculated the existence of two types of stratified [two-layer; inner layer (L0) and outer layer (L1)] granules in the neutrophils (granulocytes; blood cells) of amphioxus (Cephalocordata), especially Branchiostoma japonicum. Type 1 neutrophil granules (NG1a) consist of chromophobic L0 and chromatophilic L1. Other type (type 2; NG2) have chromatophilic L0 and chromophobic L1. The L1 of NG1a and L0 of NG2 show metaazurophilic (purple to blackish purple) in Giemsa staining preparation. Ultrastructurally, these two granule types will not be separately identified. These granules contain intragranular particles (granulons, g) in the L0 of granules. At least, three types of granulons (g-1, g-2, and g-3) are recognized in a granule and localized in L0. Two of them form an agglomerate with short rod shape and two layers (inner layer consisted by g-2, and outer layer by g-3). The agglomerate have been considered as tubular structure or microtubule (misinterpretation). Neutrophils of cyclostome (hagfish and lamprey) also have NG1 [NG1a or NG1b (chromophobic L0 and L1)] and NG2. Further, neutrophil granules of cyclostome also contain granulons (without forming of agglomerate).
PP. 123 - 134
In order to research the actual operation status of fishing vessels by AIS, an effective extraction method is needed even when vessel name, MMSI, and type of ship information are insufficient. In this study, we analysis on the illegal use of AIS for fishing pole to indicate the location of operations and proposes a method for estimating fishing grounds using AIS buoys. Extracted by Vendor ID and vessel name notation and visualized using the kernel density estimation to show the major fishing grounds. The use of AIS buoys is illegal, but if the reception rate of satellite AIS improves, it may be easier to determine the location of operations and prevent damage to fishing gear.
PP. 135 - 140
Growth of immature Lates japonicus in eelgrass (Zostera japonica) beds of the Tomouchi River located at around 4.3 km upstream from the river mouth of the Gokase River, Kyushu Island, Japan was studied by the mark and recapture method and scale reading from September 1998 to March 2004. Newly occurring 0-year-old L. japonicus specimens of 13.9–78.0 mm SL (standard length) in Z. japonica beds of the Tomouchi River in August or September reached sizes ranging 58.8–125.7 mm SL by April and 203.4–232.8 mm SL between October and November of the following year. Monthly changes in specific growth rates of individuals demonstrated that rapid growth months of immature fish were limited to the period of high water temperature (22–28℃) from June to October. Also, it was supposed that the large-sized fish of the 0-year-old fish migrated away from Z. japonica beds after December, however a few fish remained in Z. japonica beds until the following November.
Takeshita Naohiko Kondou Takuya Nagata Shingo Takahashi Hiroshi
PP. 141 - 151