Ventilation volume and oxygen uptake both during feeding Chaetoceros gracilis and during fasting were measured in the densely lamellated oyster Ostrea denselamellosa. At a feed density of 20,000 cells/ml, the ventilation volume at 16℃ (5.57 l/min/kgWW, per wet weight of soft part of body) was about seven times that during fasting (0.84 l/min/kgWW) at 16℃. The ventilation volumes during feeding at at 22℃ (12.08 l/min/kgWW) and at 29℃(13.34 l/min/kgWW)increased to about 15 times those during fasting at 22℃(0.83 l/min/kgWW) and at 29℃(0.89 l/min/kgWW), respectively. At 16℃, the oxygen uptake during feeding(0.540 ml/min/kgWW)was almost similar to that during fasting(0.466 ml/min/kgWW). The oxygen uptake during feeding at 22℃(0.940 ml/min/kgWW)and at 29℃(1.070 ml/min/kgWW)were two times those during fasting 22℃(0.480 ml/min/kgWW)and at 29℃(0.530 ml/min/kgWW), respectively.
Densely lamellated oyster
Oxygen uptake