

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 10
published_at 2017-02-28

A study of the participation(participation restriction) of people with disabilities in the Finland by using the QCIQ

フィンランドにおける障害のある人々の参加(参加制約)の実態 : QCIQをもちいて
Masuda Kimika
1.19 MB
The QCIQ (Quality of Community Integration Questionnaire) was developed to measure the level of participation (participation restriction) of people with disabilities in terms of the ICF. This study was conducted applying the Finnish version of the QCIQ that measures the status of participation (restriction) of people with disabilities in Finland. Data was obtained from 46 people with intellectual disability and 31 people with mental disabilities. Since most of them live in the facilities such as group homes, the home integration score was low. However, the subjective QOL score was high. In the Finnish version, the social integration score strongly affected the QOL of people with disabilities. Further study is needed in Japan also.