Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University


An online questionnaire was administered to 172 people to clarify the influence of the act of supporting one’s favorites. The data revealed that approximately three-fourths of the respondents felt an improvement in subjective health and self-esteem after beginning to act to support their favorites. In addition, spending time or money on supporting one’s favorite had a great influence on subjective health and self-esteem. Our findings indicate that the act of supporting one’s favorites can enhance one’s well-being.
HARADA Yurika KOMATSU Yui KANO Riri Yoshimura Koichi
PP. 1 - 6
A questionnaire survey was administered to 40 students to examine the effects of short trainings that were given at this university for clinical instructors with emphasis on the basic fundamentals. The objective of these trainings is to “allow clinical instructors and faculty members with limited experience providing clinical instructions to understand the importance and methods of clinical instruction, as well as learn knowledge and techniques that can be quickly deployed, thereby heightening their desire and interest in providing clinical instructions.” The training consists of four one-hour lectures centered on “promoting student understanding,” which is one of the basic fundamentals of clinical instruction, to resolve any perplexities and difficulties experienced by the clinical instructors, as well as a 30-minute summary Q&A session. According to the survey results, roughly 80% of the respondents indicated that they “understood 80% or more of the contents,” and nearly all the respondents indicated that they “can leverage what they learned in their work,” and nearly 70% of those without teaching experience indicated that they “wish to become involved in education.” An analysis of the free descriptions from the respondents uncovered 71 codes across 6 categories for “things they newly learned,” and 73 codes across 6 categories for “things they wish to newly try.” These results showed that the training objective was achieved and a certain level of effect was observed.
PP. 7 - 18
The utilization of edible insects is one of the countermeasures against the global population explosion, food crisis, and environmental problems. However, the peculiar flavor of insect foodstuffs is a major obstacle to the widespread use of insect foods. Therefore, in order to reduce the adverse effects of insect foodstuffs on taste and smell, we prepared croissants with the addition of Gryllus bimaculatus powder or Locusta genus powder. These croissants could be further improved in terms of palatability by using secondary ingredients. Furthermore, with the aim of clarifying the characteristics of the flavor components of the insect ingredients, we analyzed the odor components and taste intensity, and were able to infer the factors that reduced the palatability of Locusta genus powder.
Ohno Masahiro MATSUTANI Yumi OKA Marin
PP. 19 - 32
The present study involved implementing a food and nutrition educational program comprising different mechanisms for promoting preschoolers’ involvement in a fictional narrative world. The purpose was to evaluate them to determine if they proactively and enjoyably learned about the foodstuffs’ characteristics and the threecolor (red, green, and yellow) classification system for food groups. The participants were 26 “senior-year” (ages 5 and 6) nursery school and kindergarten students. The program followed a storyline (narrative form), with initial “icebreaking” activities, a play, food-related games, and reflection time. The participants were evaluated by using a record of their behavior during the program and interviewing them after the program. The behavior record revealed that the participants spoke spontaneously about the foodstuffs’ characteristics—for example, at a booth designed to stimulate visual perception, “The seeds look like stars!” (apple); at a booth designed to stimulate tactile perception, “It’s like a tree!” (broccoli); and at a booth designed to stimulate olfactory perception, “The crushed ones smell even better!” In the interview after the program,when we asked “How was the activity with Gohanger?”, 84.0% of preschoolers responded positively to the activities, such as "Playing games was fun.” To the question “Do you remember how Gohanger said the teacher who is not energetic for the role could become well again and regain their power in the play?”, 80.0% said, “I remember,” while 90.0% said something about the three color-classified food groups, with statements such as “He eats red, green, and yellow food!” Based on these results, it was concluded that the program promoted the participants’ proactive participation and that they also learned about the foodstuffs’ characteristics and the three color-classified food groups.
PP. 33 - 40
PP. 41 - 46
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to prepare two types of fruit wine with 10% and 20% peel using three types of citrus from Kagoshima Prefecture (Beni-amatsu, Kawachi-bankan, and Fukiage-konatsu), and to explore changes over time after preparation.
Methods:Fruit wine was prepared using fruit, fruit peel, glacial sugar, and white liquor. The peels and fruit were removed from the fruit wine at 4 weeks after pickling, and the color difference, acidity, sugar content, and pH were measured thereafter until the 20th week. Fruits and peels removed from fruit wine were freeze-dried and extracted with 35% and 70% ethanol, and the total polyphenol content and DPPH radical scavenging capacity were determined along with the fruit wine.
Results:The fruit wine with 20% fruit peel showed higher L*, a*, and b* values than the wine with 10% fruit peel, but the acidity, sugar content, and pH showed little difference due to the amount of fruit peel. L*, a*, and b* values and acidity increased and sugar content decreased until the fourth week after
pickling, but remained almost unchanged after the fruit and peel were removed at the fourth week. The total polyphenol concentration in the fruit wine was higher in fruit wine with 20% fruit peel than in fruit wine with 10% fruit peel for all citrus, and remained unchanged after the fourth week. The DPPH radical
scavenging capacity of fruit wine with 20% fruit peel was higher than that of wine with 10% fruit peel and remained flat or decreased after the 4th week.
Hitomi Eri HASHIGUCHI Misato
PP. 47 - 59