

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 10
published_at 2017-02-28

A study of the factors that help evening school students on welfare to keep attending school : based on an analysis of interviews with evening high school students

生活保護定時制高校生の修学継続要因に関する研究 : 当事者インタビューの分析より
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A qualitative study was conducted to identify what factors evening high school students need in order to keep attending a school with a higher dropout rate as compared to a full-time high school and to reveal the mechanisms of these factors, using the results of interview-based research on evening school students on welfare. As a result of the analysis, five factors that help students who are successfully attending school at present were identified : the existence of a person who cares about the student, environmental change, understanding of the content of school lessons, eagerness to find employment, and acquisition of self-management skills. The mechanism of how these factors work was also defined. Considering the ways in which the supporters who facilitate these factors are involved with the students, the following aspects of support were discussed: a partnership based on a non-judgmental attitude and attentive listening, empowerment support through individualization based on the environment, the perspective of strength that leads to fostering of the sense of selfaffirmation, and the perspective of social work, such as self-choice and self-determination. The network model, comprising the family, school, welfare office (public agency), and social resource, is presented to show how these aspects facilitate the attendance of evening high school students.
Creator Keywords
evening high school student
factors that help students to keep attending school
perspective of social work
network model