

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 11
published_at 2018-02-28

A Study for Intercultural Understanding Through Youth Overseas Training Programs in Yamaguchi Prefecture : Focusing on English summer programs in sister cities for junior high and high school students

山口県における青少年海外派遣事業を通した中高生の異文化理解の促進について : 英語圏への姉妹都市派遣研修プログラムについて
Kimura Masayuki
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This research focused on summer programs to English speaking countries for junior high and high school students who participated in sister city exchange projects planned by their local governments located in Yamaguchi prefecture, with an aim to clarify the degree to which their intercultural understanding and attitudes changed through such programs. In 2017, there are 21 Youth programs conducted in 15 cities and towns in Yamaguchi, of which 14 are targeted to their sister cities in English speaking countries, excluding those for China and Korea and for much younger children. This study selected 3 programs sending students to the USA and another 3 programs to Australia, in order to measure differences within such students in understanding other cultures. Questionnaires were distributed to them before and after their trips. As a result,it was found that the summer programs were effective in improving intercultural understanding amongst Japanese students, despite the relatively short-term cross-cultural contacts.The study examined the amount of time consumed for preparation and implementation of such programs by the planning bodies of each local authority, and also it was found through interviews that the content and success of such programs depended on the commitment and competence of the hosting partners and keypersons in sister cities. Summer programs cost a lot and require large budgets. The central issue is one of accountability, on the basis of appropriate program evaluation methods and open access to information regarding outcomes and outputs of youth programs. To evaluate whether to continue programs, it was thought that efforts should be made, not only to measure the effects on individuals in promoting their understanding of different cultures, but also to examine the effects of each individual program as a whole, and also the totality of English summer programs conducted within Yamaguchi in order to open up its youth to the potential and benefits of a global outlook.
Creator Keywords
intercultural understanding
junior and senior high school students’overseas programs
sister cities
program evaluation