

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 9
published_at 2016-03-31

Current Status and Tasks for Community Life Support for Elderly Ex-Offenders and Ex-Offenders with Disability Through Multi-organizational and Multi-professional Networking and Cooperation : A Case Study at the Japan Council of Regional Sustained Community Life Support Centers for the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders

多職種・多機関連携による触法高齢者・障害者の地域生活支援の現状と課題 : A県B地域生活定着支援センターの事例から
Takaishi Go
Okamura Hideo
Nakano Ikuko
1.57 MB
It is recognized that there are many elderly and handicapped convicts at correctional institution, and there are high risks at returning to correctional institution without appropriate social work support. Thus, the Japan Council of Regional Sustained Community Life Support Centers for the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders is established to connect social work and justice, and many practices have been carried out to support community life for ex-offenders. In this case study, interview was conducted for clients and professionals at related organizations. Then, it is clarified the factors to transfer the life smoothly from corrective institution to community for ex-offenders who
need supports from social us
Creator Keywords
the Japan Council of Regional Sustained Community Life Support Centers for the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders
Multi-organizational and Multi-professional Networking and Cooperation
the Elderly and Handicapped Ex-offenders