

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 9
published_at 2016-03-31

Language Learning Activities and Outcomes of Cooperating with Diverse Entities : Presentations in Foreign Language Classes, the Multilingual Voice Guide System, YPU Language Learning Seminar

多主体連携による「+α」学習活動と成果の可視化 : 多言語プレゼンテーション・多言語音声ガイド・言語学習セミナー
Morihara Aya
4.27 MB
Since 2012, the Faculty of Intercultural Studies at Yamaguchi Prefectural University has been implementing “The Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development”, a project funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The ideal Global Human Resource we are cultivating is “Inter-local Human Resource” who is able to link people and communities worldwide to solve the challenges they face. In order to develop “Inter-local Human Resource”, the Faculty of Intercultural Studies has developed an education system with four main features, 1) “YPU at Home and Abroad Program”, 2) “Four-Skills +α”, 3) “Initial Professional Development-IPD Point System”, and 4) “YPU Future Consortium”. In addition, we will reinforce the education program even more with the new curriculum in the next academic year.
This paper reports the results and the progress of three main features which the foreign language education program in the Faculty of Intercultural Studies have achieved for the 2015 academic year: 1) using the presentation textbook in the foreign language classes, 2) creating multilingual announcements in Tokiwa Zoo in Ube city by cooperating with the Yamaguchi Asahi Broadcast, the local broadcast station, and 3) organizing a seminar, “Language Learning and My Futures” on December 13th, 2015.