

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 9
published_at 2016-03-31

U.S. Congressional Appropriation and Occupation of Okinawa as a Cold War Military Base in East Asia

This paper examined how the U. S. Congress viewed the occupation of Okinawa in 1945-1972 based on the Congressional Records and other related archives. According to the past research, the United States’ policy toward Okinawa was not well coordinated because of the divided views between the State Department and Defense Department. However, the Congress appropriated the administration budget along the same line, for the civil function of the Army. It was basically GARIOA appropriations from 1947-1956 fiscal years and ARIA appropriations from 1957 to 1972. This paper aimed to clarify that these appropriations comprise economic aids and information and education programs. In doing so, the paper argued that the Congressional appropriations could be understood as a part of the U.S. Economic Cooperation Program, an Asian version of the so-called Marshall Plan.