Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 15
published_at 2022-03-31
『「障害者虐待の防止、障害者の養護者に対する支援等に関する法律」に基づく対応状況等に関する調査結果報告書』における5年間の障害者虐待の現状 : 知的障害のある人への虐待の集中
This study investigated abuse to people with disabilities, considered "abuse to people with disabilities by employees of welfare facilities for people with disabilities" as described in each "Report on the Investigation Results" for the fiscal years 2015-2019, and considered the current situation and problems of abuse to them suggested by these reports.
As a result, it became clear that intellectually disabled people are intensively abused, and that people in higher disable support categories and people with behavioral disorders (the terms used in the reports) are being increasingly abused.