Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University

PISSN : 2434-2866


    • The purpose of this study was to gain insight about students’ motivations on vocabulary study between two educational online applications: Quizlet and Quizizz. Quizlet is known as an effective vocabulary study tool as students can study vocabulary whenever and wherever they desire. Quizizz offers a similar feature in which the instructor provides the quiz set as an assignment, and students can learn vocabulary by playing games whenever and wherever they desire. The students were given the Quizlet study set links or the Quizizz assignment links each week to help them learn new vocabulary. We (teachers) used the full paid versions of both types of software, which provide different types of study activities for the students. We used each software tool for a total of six weeks (3 Quizlet, 3 Quizizz, 3 Quizlet, 3 Quizizz) with first year students at universities in Yamaguchi and Yokohama. The data on their motivation was collected using two surveys (pre-semester and post-semester). This is because we were concerned with students’ motivation and willingness to study, not only about the statistical results of vocabulary gains. We also discuss which types of activities when using the software (multiple choice, matching, flashcards) the students preferred. Although there were limited numbers of previous studies addressing multiple-choice vocabulary learning, a few talked about its efficacy. In this paper, after a brief review of the literature, we will present our results.
      Murrell Hudson Sato Tomoe
      PP. 1 - 11
    • In this paper, I will analyze how transitions of place and location impact the ways in which Anne, the heroine in Jane
      Austen’s novel Persuasion (1818), realized her true self, showed her merit and became empowered to behave in the ways she desired. She was not “nobody” at all although her own family members regarded her as a person whose word had no weight; whose convenience was always to give way. The paper notes how key turning points in the heroine’s life take place not at home but at other locations. The farther that she goes away from home, the more descriptions of her actions appear in the novel. Since most of her family members were not helpful, there was no other way for her to reach her goals except by leaving home and heading elsewhere. This spatial transition can therefore be regarded as an important factor in the heroine’s success.
      In the conclusion, the following three points are emphasized: (1) Anne had the willpower to go forward until she
      reached her goal; (2) although she was from baronet family, she got along well with people around her regardless of their social ranks; and (3) her actions and movements would likely continue even after she entered a different social rank to the one that she originally belonged to.
      IKEDA Yoko
      PP. 13 - 20
    • The effect of Ga−P co-doping on the electronic structure has been investigated for p-type clathrate thermoelectric semiconductor Ba8Cu6Ge40 by density functional theory (DFT) to study the possibility of carrier control. In Ba8Cu6Ge40, the Fermi energy EF lies in the valence band, and Ba8Cu6Ge40 is a p-type degenerate semiconductor. For Ga−P, Ga2−P, and Ga3−P co-doping, the EF lies in the conduction band, the energy gap, and the valence band, respectively, indicating that the p/n carrier type and carrier concentration change with the Ga/P ratio. In comparison with Ba8Cu6Ge40, the effect of Ga−P co-doping on the energy dispersion relation at the valence band edge is greater than that at the conduction band edge. Therefore, the effect on the effective mass is greater in the valence band than in the conduction band.
      ANNO Hiroaki HASHIKUNI Katsuaki
      PP. 21 - 26
    • The 4th Shokuiku Promotion Basic Plan, which was formulated to solve nutrition-related issues and instill healthy
      eating habits in people, calls for promoting shokuiku according to life stages and lifestyles. The study investigated the differences in the awareness of shokuiku among parents of children in kindergartens and nursery schools, university students, and workers in Sanyo-Onoda City. The analysis used data obtained from a survey conducted in the city in 2021 by the Sanyo-Onoda City Health Promotion Division (forms distributed: 1,711, forms collected: 1,508, response rate: 88.2%). The analysis shows that parents and people in district organizations involved in promoting shokuiku have a high level of interest in nutrition, but university students and workers have a low level of interest. A Meal Balance Guide was used by people with a high level of interest in nutrition, but was less likely to be used by people with low interest. As for how to disseminate information about nutrition, although a high percentage said they got it from the Internet, those with a high level of interest tend to get their information from newspapers, magazines, and friends. University students tend not to have opportunities to eat together, but students who are highly interested in nutrition are also more interested in places where they can eat together. By creating links such as these, it may become easier for students to contribute to local nutrition-related issues.
      NAKAMURA Hiroshi
      PP. 27 - 37
    • Furosemide is one of the most used loop diuretics. While several generic versions of furosemide tablets are available in clinical situation, similarities in dissolution property of these tablets have not been reported. Hence, we compared the differences of dissolution property of furosemide 40 mg tablets between the original and generic A in dissolution and disintegration tests.
      Simple suspension of the generic A tablets showed a greater particle dispersion than that of the original product. The furosemide dissolution rate of generic A in the dissolution test showed a significant small compared to the original product during from 2 to 4 minutes after the beginning, but it became higher, in turn, at 30 minutes after. In the disintegration test, the generic A tablet had a longer disintegration time of 1-2 minutes than the original product. The generic A tablet contained specific additives of coating agents such as titanium dioxide, Hypromellose, and PEG6000. The presence of insoluble titanium dioxide causes white cloudiness in simple suspension of the generic A tablet. Both Hypromellose and PEG6000 were supposed to increases the dispersibility of furosemide, which could lead to the increased dissolution rate of the generic A tablet. These findings of this study on furosemide tablet are considered to provide helpful information for an alternative use with generic agents.
      PP. 39 - 43
    • It has long been debated whether the process of L2 learning is similar to that of LL Some hypotheses assert that L2
      learners as well as Ll speakers have a sort of innate apparatus for language acquisition, like LAD posited by Chomsky in the field of Ll studies. Others suggest that the process ofL2 learning should be divergent depending on the Ll background. This study is intended to explore the differences between Ll and L2 in the acquisition process of English relative clauses. Two experiments were conducted-one with English-speaking children aged 7 (n = 24) and another with Japanese L2 learners of English (n = 35). The Child Language Data Exchange System (CHILDES) corpus was used to investigate the frequency of relative clauses in the natural utterances of children (Ll English), while forced-choice, fill-in-the-blank questions were designed to measure how accurately Japanese L2 learners acquire the form and function of relative clauses. As a result, there was no difference found between the frequency of object-extracted relative clauses (ORCs) and that of subject-extracted relative clauses (SRCs) in natural utterances of English-speaking children. In contrast, Japanese L2 learners of English were clearly found to have much more difficulty in mastering ORCs than SRCs(p < .01). These findings are taken to indicate that there exists a process ofL2 acquisition, which is different from that of Ll.
      TAJIMA Yayoi
      PP. 45 - 52
    • 中学校の平面図形の学習では三角形をもとに考え、空間図形の学習では四面体をもとに考える。ところが、小学校の平面図形の学習では正方形をもとに考え、空間図形の学習では立方体をもとに考える。ここで、平面図形のもとになる図形は三角形・正方形のどちらか、空間図形のもとになる図形は四面体・立方体のどちらか、という疑問が生まれる。
      UCHIDA Yozo TANAKA Toshimitsu
      PP. 53 - 58
    • The reflection and transmission characteristics of granular composite materials containing Cu or Ag-coated Cu
      flake-shaped particles were investigated by measurement in free space and by calculation based on transmission line theory. The negative permittivity spectra, which characterized the permittivity properties of metals, were observed in the Cu and Ag-coated Cu flake composites with particle contents above the percolation threshold Φc. For the Cu and Ag-coated Cu flake composites below Φc. the measured absolute values of the reflection coefficient |Γ| and the transmission coefficient ITI increased and decreased with increasing frequency, respectively. The Ag-coated Cu flake composite aboveりcexhibited metallic reflection and transmission characteristics with |Γ| > 0.9 and ITI < 0.1; these characteristics of the Ag-coated Cu flake composite agreed with the calculated results based on transmission line theory. Meanwhile, the measured values of |Γ| and ITI for the Cu flake composites above Φc tended to deviate from the theoretical values due to changes in electrical conductivity.
      KASAGI Teruhiro GODA Kazuya YAMAMOTO Shinichiro
      PP. 59 - 65
    • While working at Sanyo-onoda City University, the author researched and invented the microbial fuel cell utilizing inorganic porous materials, which has a power generation capacity ten times greater than conventional ones. This achievement is attracting attention as an innovative technology that has the potential to replace or supplement the current electrical energy dependence on fossil fuels. After retiring from university, the author wanted to put the research results achieved at the former Morita laboratory into practical use in order to make a significant contribution to humanity's energy problems. Then, the author conducted the cooperating company in Tottori Prefecture that manufactures inorganic porous materials to carry out practical tests in a fallow field on the outskirts of Tottori City. From 2022 to 2023, 64 experimental microbial fuel cells were installed at the test site, and outdoor power generation data was obtained across seasons. During this period, we also conducted in the laboratory experiments to improve power generation and made improvements to problems that emerged during operation in natural environments. Furthermore, during this period, the electricity generated was used to light street- lamps and used for illumination during Christmas and cherry blossom viewing seasons, bringing us one step closer to practical application. At present, microbial power generation has not yet reached the point where it can replace commercial electricity, but it is suitable for use in remote areas, remote islands, and developing countries where electricity is not available, and as an emergency power source during disasters such as typhoons and heavy rain that have been occurring frequently in recent years. We believe that this technology can be put to practical use as a suitable power source in the situations described above.
      MORITA Hiroshi
      PP. 67 - 75
    • We conducted a questionnaire survey among students belonging to the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sanyo-Onoda City University between January 2021 and June 2021 regarding the use of learning support classroom. We asked 196 students and 188 (96%) responded. Forty-three students had used the service and 95% of them said that it was effective. Twenty of these students used the service only once, and it appears that they asked friends for advice on assignments and only used the service when there was a problem that they just couldn't answer. The analysis suggests that the students who used the service in this way generally used it as expected. On the other hand, as for the students who had not use the Learning Support Classroom, the majority of them seem to have solved their problems by asking their friends. However, when analyze by grade group, about 50% of the students in the upper half of the grade band answered that they had no problems with their studies, while only about 14% of the students in the lower half of the grade band answered that they had no problems. For these students, even though they did not think they had no problems, they felt that going to tutoring was a hassle or a chore, or that the hours were not convenient. In order to increase the number of users, it may be important to continue to consider the days that the room is open, to make announcements such as the orientation, and to increase opportunities to get to know the assistant professor.
      ITO Masahiro YAMAMOTO Raiya
      PP. 77 - 84
    • 山口東京理科大学工学部3学科(機械工学科・電気工学科・応用化学科)の1年生向けに「物理学及び演習」(応用化学科は「物理学II及び演習」)として開講している電磁気学分野の入門的講義において,著者らが2022年度第IV期にそれぞれ担当したクラスの受講生に対し電磁気学についての概念調査(BEMA)のプレテスト及びポストテストを実施した結果に関して報告する。これは, 2019年度に2クラスのみで実施した調査の拡大版に相当する。本調査の問題は全問選択式の出題形式であり,オリジナル[Chabay-Sherwood(1997)]は英語で書かれているが,そのH本語版[土佐幸子訳(2014)]を使用した。ここでは,この調査のプレテスト・ポストテストの採点結果について統計的に処理し, 2019年度の結果との比較や学科依存性,入試形態依存性等の解析をする。さらに, BEMAを多次元項目反応理論で解析した文献[Hansen-Stewart(2021)]に具体的に記載されている2つのモデルを本調査の回答データに適用して解析する。以上の解析結果をまとめて報告し,コメントを述べる。
      KISHIMOTO Isao KASAGI Teruhiro KANEDA Kazuhiro YOSHII Ryosuke
      PP. 85 - 91
    •  私は本学において長らく1年生を対象とした「微分積分学および演習」「工学数学および演習」を担当してきましたが、この両科目では実数の範囲の微分、積分を扱い、そこに複素数の要素が入ってくることはほとんどありません。ただ使用している教科書1)の最後の章で定数係数2階微分方程式の解の説明(最近発売されている微分積分の教科書では、微分方程式まで扱われている微分積分の教科書はほとんど見かけません)でオイラーの公式が出現し、微分方程式の解に複素数の解が現れます。ご存じのようにオイラーの公式はその後の専門教育では頻繁に出てくる重要な式でありますが、複素数を扱う数学となると「複素関数論」という別の科目として扱われ、複素空間から始まり、複素積分までの範囲までと1年生にとっては難しい内容であり、応用化学科ではこのような科目は開講されていません。しかし現在ある微分積分学の内容に複素数の虚数単位であるiを特殊な性質を持った係数として扱うだけで、複素関数論で扱うような難しい内容とする必要はなく、三角関数の加法定理や微積分、マクローリン展開や各種の微分積分の公式が理解できると考えます。本論文(エッセイ)ではオイラーの公式および複素数を含めた各種の微分積分から始め、減衰振動の現象などの応用までについて思いついたまま記述していきます。
      MIYAMA Tomohiro
      PP. 93 - 96
    • During the Meiji Restoration, there was a faction of strong willed patriots called Shishi in the Choshu Domain. This was the result of the education which had been done throughout the Edo period. The schools representing that education were the domain school Meirinkan and the private school Shokasonjuku Academy by Shoin Yoshida.
      In the Choshu Domain, we had some other excellent schools called Gogaku. They were built by the Mori clan and the upper samurai. They were proud of their facilities, many books, excellent teachers and students who were sons of the samurai. But little research has been done on these schools because there are only few sources whereas many researchers have focused on the Meirinkan and the Shokasonjuku.
      In this study, I focus on the Ikueikan Academy, a Gogaku built and managed by the Masuda clan who reigned Susa (now a part of Hagi city) and were political top leaders in the Choshu Domain. What historical conditions led to it’s foundation and what kind of education was practiced there ? How was the relation between the Ikueikan and the Shokasonjuku, and the exchange of the students ? How did the students of the Ikueikan contribute to the political movements during the Meiji Restoration ?
      DOI Hiroshi
      PP. 1 - 10
    • Which is best, Kahoot, Quizizz, or Quizlet live? The question seems straightforward, and it is easy to find opinions on YouTube. However, after researching the published literature on the topic, we experimented using all three for ourselves, then surveyed students about it. We then combined their results with our results from the teacher perspective. We (an experienced teacher in Yamaguchi, and a new teacher in Tokyo) used the different kinds of software mainly as a tool for checking comprehension at the end of units and for vocabulary acquisition. In an attempt to answer the question of which is best, we used each tool for 4 weeks during the first semester with first and second year students at universities in Yamaguchi and Tokyo. We tried to predict what problems we might encounter as well as avoid mistakes mentioned in the literature by previous researchers. Along the way, we noted problems that arose while using them, and at the end of the semester we surveyed the students about their experience with the different kinds of software. In the survey we asked the students about their perceptions of concentration, engagement, enjoyment, learning, motivation, and satisfaction. We will reflect upon how the results or our survey compare with what the previous literature on the topic says, and hope to use the results in our future classes.
      Murrell Hudson SATO Tomoe
      PP. 11 - 22
    • We report on the electronic structure and electronic transport properties of skutterudite CoSb3 based on density functional theory utilizing the nonequilibrium Green’s function method. CoSb3 has a non-parabolic (linear) dispersion relation near the top of the valence band, and the hole effective mass is much smaller than the electron effective mass. This is the reason for the characteristic property that hole mobility is higher than electron mobility. This is completely different from that of ordinary semiconductors. The four-membered ring of Sb, which is one of the features in the crystal structure, is important in relation to the electronic structure and electronic properties. The relation of these crystal structure features to the electron transport properties is discussed. Then, the optimization of thermoelectric properties is discussed based on the chemical potential dependence of thermoelectric properties.
      ANNO Hiroaki HASHIKUNI Katsuaki
      PP. 23 - 30
    • In this paper, the heavy atom effect of organobismuth compounds synthesized by the author was discussed based on experimental and theoretical studies. NMR chemical shifts of organobismuth compounds are often influenced by the heavy atom effect derived from bismuth atom. In the case of bismabenzene and bismacyclobutadiene synthesized by the author and co-workers, the NMR signals assigned to be hydrogen and carbon nuclei were observed at unusual low-field region, probably due to the unique heavy atom effect. To get insight into the heavy atom effect of such compounds, I performed theoretical calculations by using Gaussian program package. Based on the comparison of chemical shifts estimated by experimental and theoretical methods, the heavy atom effect of organobismuth compounds was discussed in detail.
      SUZUKI Katsunori
      PP. 31 - 35
    • NAKAMURA Hiroshi
      PP. 37 - 46
    • KOSUGI Shinji
      PP. 47 - 54
    • 1970年代後半からパーソナルコンピュータが普及し始めると、各学校における活用方法についても考えられるようになった。学校へのコンピュータ導入初期には、コンピュータ支援教育(CAI:computer-assisted instruction)の考え方をもとにしたドリル問題や穴埋め、記号選択など生徒の個別指導に対応しようとする試みがなされた。理科教育における活用方法としては、自然現象をモデル化したシミュレーションやアニメーション、理科実験における計測、データ処理等に用いられる事例が見られはじめた。ただ、理科教材用のソフトウェアも十分ではなく、個々の理科教員がプログラムを作成し活用方法を探っている状況であった。
      UCHIDA Yozo
      PP. 55 - 60
    • Recently, research on solving regional problems through industry-academia-government collaboration has been
      promoted in Sanyo-Onoda city area. As part of this research, through a proposal from Mr. Nakamura of West Japan Jibie Farm, a study on "Countermeasures against wildlife damage using drones and ICT," was started from April 2020. Thetemporal goal of the research was defined to be "ecological survey of wild boars utilizing ICT", i.e. (1) survey of traces ofwild boar inhabitation by actually exploring the mountain area, (2) the development of remote observation technology of wild boars at Wallows and Beast Roads discovered by reconnaissance, and (3) the development of infrared photography technology during midnight by drone in open areas.
      The results of research can be summarized as follows. (1) A total of about 17 km was explored in the back mountains of the Kataobata and Imojiya area, two Wallows and one Beast Roads were found, and a remote observation camera was set up. (2) We developed an extremely power-saving system that can monitor the nighttime behavior of wild boars over a wide area in deep mountainous areas where it is difficult to access frequently. The system combines a 2.4GHz wireless terminal (Twelite), an infrared sensor for detecting wild boars, an LPWA wireless network, and a solar cell. (3) A total of 146 night-behavior wild boars were confirmed. It was revealed that wild boars act relatively early from 19:00 to 23:00, and that deers have begun to advance into the Asa area (10 cases). (4) The night photography of wild boar by drone was successful for the first time at 21:00 on March 19, 2021. Since it was assumed that the fallow reed bed in the Kataobata area was a roost of wild boars, we developed an automatic surveillance recipe and patrolled at night.
      PP. 61 - 66
    • We evaluated the reflection and transmission characteristics in the microwave region of metal granular composite
      materials containing flaky Cu particles, flaky Ag-coated Cu particles, and acicular FeCo nanoparticles as anisotropic
      shape particles. In the flaky Cu particle composite and the flaky Ag-coated Cu particle composite, a significant jump of the ac conductivity σ with the particle content was observed at the percolation threshold φc at 4 and 3 vol.%, respectively; the σ of composites with particle content above φc showed a value above 10-1 S/cm. The 6 vol.% flaky Ag-coated Cu particle composite exhibited metallic reflection and transmission properties. On the other hand, the 6 vol.% flaky Cu particle composite showed a tendency for the transmission coefficient to decrease and the reflection coefficient to increase with increasing frequency. For the acicular FeCo nanoparticle composites, the electrical conductivity was low and the permeability was not affected by eddy currents even in the GHz range. The 49.9 vol.% acicular FeCo nanoparticle composite exhibited the frequency dispersion of permeability by magnetic resonance at several GHz, and the 10 vol.% composite showed slight absorption above 10 GHz.
      KASAGI Teruhiro GODA Kazuya YAMAMOTO Shiniciro
      PP. 67 - 72
    • In open string field theory, we performed numerical calculations with the level truncation approximation method in
      a-gauge for “double brane” and “ghost brane” solutions in addition to the tachyon vacuum solution in the previous work. These solutions were constructed from one of the solutions in the Siegel gauge at the truncated level 0, 2, and 4, respectively, up to truncated level 20, and their gauge invariants were evaluated for various values of a including a=∞, which corresponds to the Landau gauge. Although these are obtained by restricting the space of string fields to the space spanned by the twist-even universal states, some solutions other than the tachyon vacuum and “double brane” solutions exist at the second lowest truncated level. Here, we evaluate gauge invariants for them and study their behavior. Namely, at the truncated level two, starting from all solutions obtained in a=0 or a=∞ gauge, we construct numerical solutions in various a-gauges by varying the values of a gradually and describe their gauge invariants. Our results might become useful for constructing new physically meaningful solutions at the large truncated level limit.
      KISHIMOTO Isao
      PP. 73 - 77
    • 天災や人災が立て続けに人類を襲い、現下の新型コロナ感染症の蔓延に至り、人類は大きな試練の渦中に置かれてしまった。産業は低迷し、土台を支える日本の科学技術の世界での地位が相対的に下がった。国力低下の大きな根源である人口減少を前提とした、日本の競争力を回復する科学技術研究や教育の在り方を今こそ考えなければならない。近年の社会変化の中で科学技術に対する見方も変わった。研究者・技術者は自己の価値観を大切にし、環境や社会に対する強い識と高い倫理観を有することが必要となった。産業界の変化に伴い採用する人材は即戦力化してきたが、一方で、企業の価値創造を担う技術者が求められている。科学技術や工学に携わる者は、人類の生存や地球環境の維持に、いっそう目を向けなければならない。人口減少に対しては科学技術を駆使して広義の生産性向上の研究を推進し、個人の行動効率化のためには知識科学教育を行うべきである。科学技術の成果を展開するにあたっては、企業で用いている生産性向上やコミュニケーションのツールも役に立つ。イノベーションのためには戦略が必要とされるが、立案には客観的な情報収集・分析と世の中の技術や研究の変化への俊敏な対応が不可欠である。研究資源の8割を企業が有するが、その効率的運用を図る必要があり、自社の得意分野に絞った研究投資を行い、他はオープンイノベーションに委ねることが肝要である。研究費の効率を論ずることは難しいが、研究開発のプロセスを細分化して新たな指標とその分解指標を用いた、きめ細かい管理手法を提案する。効率的な研究には企業連携や産学連携が重要であり、双方の役割を明確にして実行することが成功につながる。教育については、企業の目的志向の幾つかの手法を大学でも活用したい。学びは生涯を通じてのものなので大学では知識よりも学ぶ術を身に着けるようにしたい。学ぶ方法も学生同士が教え合い、意見交換するような形を授業に反映したい。そして、学ぶ熱意を醸成するために、学生は大学の早い時期に将来の夢や目標を見出して欲しい。
      MORITA Hiroshi
      PP. 79 - 90
    •  山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学(本学)は,2021年度に文部科学省「数理・データサイエンス・AI教育プログラム認定制度(リテラシーレベル)」及び「数理・データサイエンス・AI教育プログラム認定制度(リテラシーレベル)プラス」に選定された.また,2023年4月には,工学部に数理情報科学科(仮称)を新設予定であり,データサイエンス教育の充実化を図っている.データサイエンスでは統計や機械学習を用いた分析が必要であり,プログラミングのスキルは必須である.本講義で導入したGoogle Colaboratoryは,Pythonをブラウザから実行できるアプリケーションで,無料で利用可能,環境構築不要,機械学習やディープラーニングの環境の構築が可能,CPU及びGPU環境を利用可能などの多くの利点を有する。現在プログラミングの講義がない応用化学科の学生に対してプログラミングへの抵抗を少しでも和らげ,興味を喚起するために,1コマと少ない回数ではあるが,担当講義である分析化学においてGoogle Colaboratoryによるプログラミングの回を取り入れた.本稿ではGoogle Colaboratoryを使用した図表の作成内容及び講義終了後のアンケート結果について報告する.
      ASANO Hitoshi
      PP. 91 - 95
    •  本学工学部2年生を対象に開講されている「地域社会学」は、学生が山陽小野田市内でフィールドワークを行い(地域に出て調査を行い)、自分が集めたデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法を考える授業である。2021年度は山陽オートレース場、きららガラス未来館、サビエル高等学校、いきいき百歳体操、川上地域でフィールドワークを行い、自らが収集したデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法をフィールドワーク先に提案した。
      NAKAMURA Hiroshi
      PP. 97 - 101
    • How can we get Japanese university students to give longer answers in spoken English? Longer answers come from being comfortable with using the target language. In this study, first I review some of the previous literature about increasing speaking output. Then, I will report on my own research. Two sections of the same class were taught by the same teacher for both 1st and 2nd year university students. The target independent variable was use of the Flipgrid website for oral submissions as well as reviewing other submissions. The working hypothesis is that being able to practice and being able to hear other submissions will lead to students giving longer oral responses during speaking tests. The two test groups used the Flipgrid website throughout the semester, and the two control groups did not.'Using Flipgrid'means to upload a submission as well as review at least two others for each of 6 assignments. Beginning and end-of-semester oral exams were given to 4 groups of students. The number of words per response for every student were calculated, and the results are presented in this study. I will reflect upon how the results of my study compare with what the previous literature on the topic says, and hope to use the results in future classes.
      Murrell Hudson
      PP. 1 - 8
    • Semiconducting clathrates are attracting a great deal of attention as potential candidates of thermoelectric material based on a design concept called Phonon Glass and Electron Crystal (PGEC). Since most of the thermoelectric clathrates are n-type, developing a p-type clathrate with high thermoelectric performance is an important issue. In this study, the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of Ba8Cu6Ge40 clathrate are calculated based on density functional theory (DFT) to search for new p-type clathrates. An energy gap is formed in the electronic band structure of Ba8Cu6Ge40, and the Fermi energy lies in the valence band, indicating that Ba8Cu6Geぃis a p-type semiconductor. The effective mass of the valence
      band is larger than that of the conduction band. The Seebeck coefficient for p-type is larger than that for n-type, reflecting the difference in effective mass. According to the dependence of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity on the chemical potential, adjusting the Fermi energy, corresponding to the carrier concentration, to the optimum value improves the power factor. Therefore, the results of DFT calculation show that Ba8Cu6Ge40 has excellent properties as a candidate for p-type thermoelectric materials.
      ANNO Hiroaki HASHIKUNI Katsuaki
      PP. 9 - 16
    • Since 2020, school education activities have changed significantly to prevent the spread of the ℃OVID-19". "Online lessons," which appeared in search of resumption of educational activities while avoiding the risk of infection, became more widespread and established than expected and exceeded the original purpose of "avoidance of Three Cs."
      Anymore, it even shakes the significance of "face-to-face lessons" that have continued to exist as the most popular teaching method so far. Based on our interests, this paper aims to clarify the question, "How do students accept new learning forms such as online lessons and exchange of tasks via "Moodle", and how do they interpret them?".
      Our university has already conducted a questionnaire about lessons for students, and statistical processing can give an objective evaluation of lessons. However, the questionnaire survey consists of data that cut out human perception at a particular time. It disregards the series of processes that human encounters an event, accepts, understands, leading up to recognition. Therefore, we conducted an interview survey of several university students and a qualitative analysis using Modified Grounded Theory Approach(M-GTA), clarifying the process of accepting this situation and building their learning.
      In addition, we would like to identify the determinants that established the process of restructuring new learning and go beyond the binary opposition of "online or face-to-face" to deepen the essential understanding of lessons. We hope this knowledge will support learners'understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide a new perspective to contribute to teaching methods studies.
      KOSUGI Shinji
      PP. 17 - 24
    • There is a need to develop new energy sources that can replace or complement renewable energies such as solar power generation and wind power generation, which have been put into practical use but have many problems in terms of economy and stability. The author has focused on the SMFC (Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell) power generation research as one solution to this problem. In particular, the control of microorganisms that are the source of power generation was examined to increase the electrical output, which is the key to practical application. By incorporating an inorganic porous structure into the fuel cell, the author has succeeded in accumulating microorganisms near the electrode for the first time. As a result, it was found that the output characteristics of the SMFC were remarkably improved by inserting the porous material, which was embedded in the soil in advance and promoted the accumulation of microorganisms and organic substances, in the vicinity of the anode. By improving the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current, the output power has increased about 6 times on average compared to the conventional one. It is considered that the reason for this is that the accumulation of microorganisms near the anode promotes electron charge transfer into the electrode, increases the amount of generated hydrogen ions, and accelerates the reduction reaction. Furthermore, the author tried to optimize the amount and arrangement of the inorganic porous material to be inserted, and to introduce iron ions that have the function of promoting electron transfer in the battery. As a result, excellent output characteristics for practical use could be obtained.
      MORITA Hiroshi
      PP. 25 - 31
    • Tungsten has a high melting point, low resistance, and excellent chemical resistance, and is used as an industrial material for lamp electrodes (filaments) and electrodes for large-scale integrated circuits. Since trace components in the material have a significant effect on the performance and reliability of the device, it is extremely important to determine the concentration of the components in order to evaluate the material properties. In this study, a separation and preconcentration method using a flow injection (FI) system has been developed for the analysis of trace elements in tungsten by AAS. A cation exchange resin column was used for separation and preconcentration. The spike and recovery tests of trace amounts of iron in tungsten were performed by the proposed FI system, and good recoveries were obtained without interference from the tungsten matrix. The proposed system has a 7-fold higher enrichment factor with a sample volume of 3.7 mL and a detection limit of 9 ppb (equivalent to 3.7 µ g g―1 in a solid sample), which enables highly sensitive analysis. The amount of waste fluid per sample analysis is extremely small (27 mL), and the relative standard deviation of 50 ppb iron solution measured five times repeatedly is 2.7 %, which enables accurate analysis. The system is capable of rapid analysis, taking only 6 minutes per sample, and the amount of liquid waste is less than one-tenth that of conventional method, thus reducing the burden on the environment. In this report, iron was selected as the target analyte, but this system is also expected to be applied to highly sensitive analysis of components that can be adsorbed on cation exchange resin.
      ASANO Hitoshi SHIRAISHI Yukihide
      PP. 33 - 36
    • この論文では、障害に阻まれながらも目標を達成した2人の女性に焦点を当てる。その1人は実在の女性 Anne Innis Dagg博士(1933ー現在)で、もう1人はJane Austen作Persuasion (1818)の登場人物・Anne Elliotである。これら2人の女性が生きた時代や生活背景は異なるため、ここで論じる問題もそれぞれ異なるものであるが、女性だからこそ直面した 問題であるという点で共通している。また、2人にはあらゆる面で違いがあるが、目標達成に向けて努力を惜しまないこ と、強さを持ち合わせていることという共通点がある。周囲の人々の反応が、どのように彼女らに影響を与えたかを論じ つつ、各々が歩んだ道のりを辿る。その際、目標達成を励ますものを探るのみならず、彼女らを取り巻く社会の慣習にも目を向ける。これらの要素は、彼女達の行動や思考様式に、大きな影響を与えている。
      本論文の目的は、女性達が目標達成のために行った弛まぬ努力を振り返ること、彼女達が前に進むことを阻んだもの を分析すること、そして、困難を克服する際に彼女達の支えとなったものを探ることである。ロールモデルがいることで、困難克服は、より容易になると考えられる。
      IKEDA Yoko
      PP. 37 - 48
    • 「鳩の翼』は、1902年に書かれたヘンリー・ジェイムズによる小説である。テーマは、ジェームズが繰り返し取り上げたテーマの1つである「国際テーマ」であり、主人公はこちらもジェイムズ作品に頻繁に取り上げられるAmericanGirl(アメリカ娘)である。
      TSUTSUMI Chikako
      PP. 49 - 57
    • This paper studies the Japanese translations of Lafcadio Hearn's "From the Diary of an English Teacher" and explores their role in highlighting the multilingual nature of the original text. "From the Diary of an English Teacher" (1894) is based on Hearn's experience as an English teacher in an ordinary middle school (Jinjo Chugakko) and in a normal school (Shihan Gakko) in Matsue. The essay is one of Hearn's most popular works and has been translated several times into Japanese. In his interactions with Japanese colleagues and students, he showed a strong interest in various types of Japanese, such as that used in the Japanese anthem "Kimigayo" or the Imperial Rescript on Education (Kyoiku Chokugo). Hearn sometimes transcribed these Japanese words using Roman characters, while at other times he translated them into English. This makes his writing difficult to translate into Japanese, and it becomes necessary to examine each translated word closely. Hearn also paid attention to the English compositions written by his students. These writings are also difficult to translate into Japanese and require special strategies. In this paper, we analyze the works of three translators of Hearn's essay: Ryuji Tanabe, Teiichi Hirai, and Sukehiro Hirakawa. Tanabe's version was published in 1926 and was included in the first collected works of Hearn in Japanese. Hirai's version was included in his translation of Hearn's works in 1964, which played an important role in making Hearn popular in Japan. Hirakawa's version, however, is the most accessible and widely read of the three.
      KAZEHAYA Satoshi
      PP. 59 - 66
    • In spite of vaccination on a large scale, COVID-19 has continued spreading all over the world. In the history of Japan many epidemics such as Smallpox and Tuberculosis have broken out and taken many people's lives. In this study, I research on the epidemic outbreak of Cholera which was raging throughout the Choshu domain in 1858. It happened after Japan was forced to open the country to the Western countries, and Cholera spread almost all over Japan from the crew of an American ship in Nagasaki port who was infected in China. The Cholera epidemic was one of the reasons for the expulsion of foreigners from Japan.
      It was an age when neither vaccines.treatments.nor even original pathogens were known. How did the statesmen and people in the Choshu domain confront this terrible and unknown infectious disease? What did they leave as lessons for the future? In this study, I inquire into the following historical sources : One is the Ura Dairy written by Yukie Ura, an upper samurai.the Lord of Atsuki (a part of now Yanai) and one of the top political leaders of the Choshu domain. The other is the Furuya Douan Nichijou (Dairy) written by a doctor and educator living in a small village north of Shimonoseki at that time. The descriptions of the Cholera epidemic in the end of the Edo era give us useful hints about dealing with the challenges we face in our Reiwa period.
      DOI Hiroshi
      PP. 67 - 73
    • The Takahashi-Tanimoto identity-based solution in bosonic open string field theory contains one real parameter a. From various viewpoints, it has been confirmed that the solution is pure-gauge for a> -1/2 and represents the tachyon vacuum for a= -1/2. In particular, we have obtained a consistent numerical result with the above for the "double brane" solution in the previous work using the level truncation approximation. In the literature, we obtained the "double brane" solution in theory around the identity-based solution as follows: firstly, we constructed the "double brane" solution for various values of a at truncation level two, and then we constructed numerical solutions at each a level by level. Alternatively, at each truncation level, we can construct numerical solutions from Kudrna-Schnabl's "double brane" solution, which corresponds to the case a =O, by varying the value of a little by little. We have found that solutions by two methods are in different branches for a region of a at truncation levels 20 and 22. Here, we plot gauge invariants for them and give some comments on consistency.
      KISHIMOTO Isao
      PP. 75 - 79
    • 無人航空機(本稿では複数の回転翼をもつマルチコプターについて論じることとし、以下「ドローン」と表記する)は、 様々な産業分野で利用されるようになってきており、今後、ますますその活用拡大が図られるものと考える。山陽小野田 地域においても、既にドローンを活用している事業所もある。そこで山陽小野田地域にある事業所に対してドローンの 活用に関するアンケート調査を実施した。
      アンケート結果から、産業界でドローンを活用できる分野があると考えている事業所がかなりあることや既にドローン を活用している事業所の活用状況、今後、ドローンの活用を考えている事業所が導入時にどのような課題があると考え ているか、導入後の活用のメリット、デメリットをどのように捉えているか、また、活用を考えていない事業所がどのくらい あるのかなどについて論じた。
      UCHIDA Yozo FUKUDA Tomoyuki
      PP. 81 - 86
    • 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学工学部l年次の力学の授業(2021年度)において,力学概念調査(Force Concept Inventory:FCI)を実施した。FCIは,基本的な力学概念に関する30の間で構成されており,本調査では日本語版FCI(第2版,石本ら(2011))を使用した。調査は,本授業の初回時にプレテスト,最終回にポストテストを実施し, いずれのテストも同一のFCI間題を使用した。ここでは,FCIプレテスト・ポストテストの得点結果を示し,受験者全体の 授業開始時点での力学概念の理解度,及び授業後のその変化について報告する。また,調査結果の解析から明らかと なった学生が持つ誤概念の実態についても示す。
      KASAGI Teruhiro KANEDA Kazuhiro KISHIMOTO Isao YOSHII Ryosuke
      PP. 87 - 91
    • 山陽小野田市国際交流協会は,2019年1月に文化庁の「生活者としての外国人のための日本語教室空白地域解消 推進事業地域日本語教育スタートアッププログラム」に応募し,採択され,2019年度から3年間かけて山陽地区での日 本語教室立ち上げに取り組んでいる。筆者は,同協会の地域日本語教育コーデイネーターとして携わっており,本稿で は,2019年度から2021年度(中間)の日本語教室定期開催までの取り組みについて報告する。
      シバサキ リエ
      PP. 93 - 98
    • 本学工学部2年生を対象に開講されている「地域社会学」は、学生が山陽小野田市内でフィールドワークを行い(地 域に出て調究を行い)、自分が集めたデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法を考える授業である。2020年度は山陽オートレース場、きららガラス未来館、サビエル高等学校でフィールドワークを行い、自らが収集したデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法をフィールドワーク先に提案した。
      NAKAMURA Hiroshi
      PP. 99 - 102
    • 日本語を母語としない日本語学習者を対象とした日本語スピーチコンテストが,国内外で数多く実施されている。本学 の留学生も,地方で行われているコンテストに参加し,入賞している学生もいる。
      コンテストヘの参加は,留学生本人の日頃の日本語学習の成果発表の場だと見られがちであるが,日本語学習の動機 づけや自信につながるだけではなく,留学生活を振り返って内省をする機会を得,日本文化への理解など促進させる効 果がある。また,周囲の人へ与えるインパクトも大きい。
      PP. 103 - 106
    • Chromium has diverse oxidation states, the charges of +3 and +6 for chromium occur the most commonly within chromium compounds. Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) is not toxic and is essential for living organisms. On the other hand, hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is known to has the strong ability to oxidize and to be a carcinogen. Therefore, it is important selectively to determine of Cr(VI) for the analysis of chromium due to the difference of toxicity between Cr(III) and Cr(VI). 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazide (DPC) is a reagent which selectively reacts with Cr(VI) to color violet complex. We have developed a simple and sensitive analysis of Cr (VI) using a micro fluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) with the DPC colorimetric reaction. The fabrication of μPADs was carried out by melting wax with an oven after the pattern was printed with a wax printer. The detection spots were dropped DPC solution and dried. Then, the sample solution was dropped into the sampling spot and wicked to the detection spots. μPAD was scanned with a scanner, the color intensity for the detection spots was analyzed by an image analysis software. The RGB intensity of the images was analyzed, and the highest sensitivity was obtained when G-intensity was used. The detection limit of this device for the Cr(VI) analysis was 26.2 μg/L, the sensitivity for present method has been enhanced compared to the previous method (30 mg/L).
      ASANO Hitoshi MAEDA Taishirou SHIRAISHI Yukihide
      PP. 1 - 5
    • Recently, nanostructured materials or nanocomposites, rather than thin films or superlattices, are of increasing interest in creating a new material with high thermoelectric figure of merit. The approach of nanoscale control of materials by introducing nanostructures, such as nanoinclusions, nanointerfaces, etc., may have a significant influence on the transport properties due to the energy filtering effect of the potential barrier at interfaces, or strong scattering effect of phonons and/or carriers at interfaces, whose density increases with decreasing size of structure. On the other hand, it is also of importance to elucidate the mechanism of enhancement in the Seebeck coefficient for nanostructured material systems. The density functional theory (DFT) using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) method may be a powerful tool to calculate the transport properties of nanoscale systems. There are, however, few studies of nanoscale system for thermoelectric clathrates by DFT using NEGF method. Thus, we adopt the DFT using NEGF method to calculate the transport properties of nanoscale system of Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40, where nanogap acts as a potential barrier, as a model of nanoscale clathrate Ba8Au6Si40 system, to investigate the effect of nanointerface on the transport properties of thermoelectric clathrates. For Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40 system, the Seebeck coefficient value at EF is greatly enhanced. The electrostatic potential difference was found to be large at the nanogap for Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40 system. The calculation suggests that the potential barriers at nanointerface, such as grain boundary, have a significant influence on the Seebeck coefficient. We also discuss the effect of nanointerface on the electron and thermal conductance.
      ANNO Hiroaki
      PP. 7 - 15
    • 「デイジー・ミラー」は、ヘンリー・ジェイムズの最も広く読まれ、研究された作品の1 つといえるだろう。この小説は、当時人気のあった旅行物語であると同時に、「国際テーマ」を取り上げた作品の嚆矢と見なされている。モダニティの観点から、この小説はさまざまな解釈の可能性を持って再読する価値があるといえる。いくつか例を挙げると、登場人物は単純化されており、より深い解釈が必要である。ヒロインの弟は、ほぼすべてのもの、人物に対しアメリカがベストという発言を繰り返し、現在のアメリカ第一主義を髣髴とさせる。アメリカン・マネーの経済力は Daisy が欲しいものを手に入れる手段として、物語の中で繰り返されているが、その源である父親については息子や妻によって言及されるだけで、経済力としての存在としてしか扱われていない。アメリカ・ドルの力は今でも世界中で支配的な力を持っていることを再考慮する必要がある。
       ヒロインの Daisy は「アメリカの浮気娘」として単純化されており、彼女は物語を通してヒーローの Winterbourne を当惑させている。 Winterbourne は、女性の美しさを「観察および分析することに夢中になっている」ため、Daisy の闊達な自発性に不思議の念を感じずにいられない。この2 人の人物造型や関係性は、従来とは異なる視点から解釈することが可能である。
       この論文では、この古典的な物語に新たにアクセスし、モダニティの観点から解釈したいと考えている。ここでのモダニティの観点とは、男性と女性の主人公の関係、経済力、市場の拡大、商品化された文化などである。さらに、都市小説, 紀行小説としての側面についても言及していく。
      TSUTSUMI Chikako
      PP. 17 - 24
    • The activities of preventive care are important for extending life expectancy and improving the quality of life in an aging society. In order to spread these activities, the role of the community is important. “Ikiiki Hyakusai Taiso,” meaning lively 100-year-old’s gymnastics, is one of the preventive care activities operated by a local community. We analyzed whether there are any differences in the 12 elementary school districts regarding the data on living functions, physical functions, and medical expenses of the participants of the Ikiiki Hyakusai Taiso held in Sanyo-Onoda city. As a result, the Koyo Elementary School district was characterized by a few seconds of standing on one leg with eyes open, and low medical expenses. The community of Koyo Elementary School district has strong ties, and it is thought that preventive care activities are progressing with the help of local people. Akazaki and Motoyama Elementary School districts tend to have a high degree of certifications for preventive care. It is thought that this is because people who serve as self-government chairpersons and civil welfare officers and have a sense of mission play a central role in preventive care activities, and even those who find it difficult to participate alone in gymnastics can participate. It is important to strengthen local ties as a way of promoting preventive care activities. In areas where regional ties are not strong, it is considered effective to involve the chairman of the autonomy and local welfare officers.
      NAKAMURA Hiroshi FUKUDA Minori
      PP. 25 - 33
    • Focusing on questioning skills as a component of critical thinking, this study examined a common classroom practice for developing these skills in students: comment cards. The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire that measures the effectiveness of comment cards by describing how students use them and what ideas and attitudes they foster among students.
       A survey was conducted with 108 participants, making use of 15 question items regarding how teachers intended to use comment cards in classes and how the students responded. A factor analysis yielded 11 items divided into three factors . After testing the reliability of the model, a final version of the scale (the Scale for Measuring Effectiveness of Comment Cards) was produced.
       The scale can provide researchers with a quantitative measure for examining the practical effectiveness of comment cards. When used in combination with scales on critical thinking and questioning, the scale can further provide insights into both the practical effectiveness of comment cards and the issues to be addressed.
      FUKUDA Minori
      PP. 35 - 40
    • 近年、無人航空機(本稿では複数の回転翼をもつマルチコプターについて論じることとし、以下「ドローン」と表記する)は、様々な産業分野で使用されるようになってきており、今後、ますますその活用拡大が図られるものと考える。ドローンは学校においても、学習指導や学校行事の記録、防災教育、安全点検、児童生徒の新しい技術の理解等への活用が考えられ、本稿ではその可能性について論じた。
      UCHIDA Yozo
      PP. 41 - 46
    • 電磁環境対策材への適用を目的に金属磁性粒子を樹脂中に分散させた粒子分散複合材料の電磁気特性について検討を行っている。分散粒子の形状は高周波電磁気特性に影響を与えることから,その機構を明らかにすることは電磁環境対策材を構成する上で重要な課題である。今回,異方的形状を有する針状Fe76Co24ナノ粒子とポリカーボネートを混合した針状FeCoナノ粒子分散複合材料の高周波透磁率について検討した。針状FeCoナノ粒子複合材料の比透磁率は10GHz 付近で周波数分散を示し,分散周波数は粒子濃度の低下とともに高周波へシフトした。比透磁率の粒子濃度依存についてマクスウェル-ガーネット近似(MGA)を用いて解析した結果,高周波透磁率は,粒子内に生じる反磁界の影響を強く受けていることが分かった。
      KASAGI Teruhiro GODA Kazuya YAMAMOTO Shinichiro
      PP. 47 - 52
    • 決定論的な理論にしたがっていても初期値鋭敏性により将来が予測できないような現象をカオスと呼ぶ。自然界にはカオス性を持った現象が多く存在する。
      YOSHII Ryosuke
      PP. 53 - 57
    • 我が国の教育機関として、江戸時代には、藩校をはじめ、全国各地に多くの郷校(郷学)、寺子屋、私塾等が存在していた。中でも、郷校は全国で108校あったが、防長(周防・長門:山口県)で19校あり、校数で全国1位の数であった。その意味においても、山口県には域内各地で教育文化が根付く土壌があったと言える。山口県で育まれた特徴的な教育文化や道徳文化を語る上で、非常に有効であると思われるものについて、(1) 吉田松陰の行動力、(2) 郷校「徳修館」の存在、(3) 金子みすゞの詩、などを挙げることができる。これらの内容と、今後の教育課程改革に繋がる理念について、本論文で明確にしたい。吉田松陰が主宰した松下村塾では、最近告示された新しい学習指導要領の中で強調されている「主体的・対話的で深い学び」に繋がる教育が日常的に展開されていた。熊毛の地にあった郷校「徳修館」では、最近の学習指導要領の中で強調されている「生きる力」を形成する「知・徳・体」の3本柱の立体構造性・順序性の教育理念が貫かれていた。天才的童謡詩人である金子みすゞの詩の中には、仏教的な理念に裏打ちされた東洋的な発想が基盤にあり、今後の教育や科学を語る上で有効である。これらの中には、初等中等教育において順次、実施が始まっている新しい学習指導要領の教育理念と本質的に合致するものがある。山口県の教育文化と今後の教育課程改革の理念を関連づけて考えようとしたことが、本論文を作成した動因である。
      YOSHIMURA Takao
      PP. 59 - 65
    • 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学工学部1年生向けに開講している電磁気学の入門的講義において,電磁気学についての概念調査(Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment,BEMA)を実施した結果を報告する。本調査の問題は全問選択式の出題形式であり,ここではBEMA[Chabay-Sherwood(1997)]の日本語版[土佐幸子訳(2014)]を使用した。調査対象は,筆者らがそれぞれ授業を担当した成績上位クラスと下位クラスである。最初の授業時にプレテストを実施し,通常の授業の最後(定期試験の直前)にポストテストを実施した。ここでは,この調査のプレ・ポストテストの採点結果を統計的に処理し,BEMA の有効性を論じた文献で報告されている調査実施の解析例と比較する。さらに,本講義の中間試験(電気分野)と定期試験(磁気を含む分野)の採点結果との相関を調べ,その解析結果をまとめて報告する。
      KISHIMOTO Isao KASAGI Teruhiro
      PP. 67 - 71
    • 本学工学部2年生を対象に開講されている「地域社会学」は、学生が山陽小野田市内でフィールドワークを行い(地域に出て調査を行い)、自分が集めたデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法を考える授業である。2019年度は山陽オートレース場、子育て総合支援センター(スマイルキッズ)、きららガラス未来館でフィールドワークを行い、自らが収集したデータを統計的に分析し、課題の解決方法をフィールドワーク先に提案した。
      NAKAMURA Hiroshi
      PP. 73 - 75
    • Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, I arrived at the university and started research on renewable energy that is resistant to natural disasters. For 10 years, I continued my research with my dear students in areas where other researchers have not done much. Among them, I would like to introduce three technologies that I have a strong feeling for. We have developed a transparent solar cell that converts ultraviolet rays into electric power, including its formation technology, and achieved the world's highest level of efficiency. It was possible to show that wind power generation with a diffuser using the wind lens effect can generate power even in weak winds. Furthermore, the soil microbial fuel cell originating from microorganisms has achieved 10 times the conventional power generation by introducing the novel porous body, which is our invention, and is close to practical use. This area has long daylight hours due to the coast of the Seto Inland Sea, and although it is weak, the wind always blows, and there are many lakes and rice fields. We would like to receive natural energy from them and convert it into electric power, which will lead to the realization of local production for local consumption of energy.
      MORITA Hiroshi
      PP. 77 - 83