

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 3
published_at 2010-03

The experimental study of the relaxation effect of using the light therapy(LED)

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 In so-called stress society these days, great attention has been paid to the importance of mental healthcare with increase and escalation of those in poor mental condition. Above all, self-care was considered the most important and eff ective for stress management due to prevention and relief of stress. Recently, the eff ectiveness of relaxation using automatic training, aromatherapy, musical therapy, and light therapy and so on has been quantitatively evaluated. However, the relaxation eff ect of light therapy using LED (light emitting diode) has been less studied because of its shorter history. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively investigate the relaxation eff ect of LED light therapy in terms of three kinds of aspects : a psychological index (POMS:Profi le of Mood States and subjectivity evaluation), a physiologic index( Pulse, blood pressure), and a biochemical index( saliva amylase activity) .With regard to the psychological index, some promising relaxation eff ects of LED therapy were confi rmed in both POMS (all items but vigor) and all the subjective evaluations by the researchers. In addition, as for the physiologic index, an eff ect of the parasympathetic nervous system predominance was found for both groups of darkroom as well as LED group. About the biochemical index, no relaxation effect was confi rmed judging from the result that the saliva amylase activity was not reduced. With all things considered, however, some relaxation effects could be expected and its psychological eff ect was the most favorable among three indexes. In conclusion, it was likely that LED light therapy can help relieve and reduce stress.
 ストレス社会とよばれる現代において、メンタルヘルスに関する不調者の増加や深刻化に伴い、メンタルヘルスケアの重要性が注目されている。その中でもセルフケアは、ストレスマネージメントとして、リラクセーションによるストレスの予防と軽減が最も重要であるといわれている。近年、自律訓練法、アロマセラピー、音楽療法、光療法などによるリラクセーションの有効性が定量的に評価されつつある。光療法においては、LED(light emitting diode)によるリラクセーション効果が注目されはじめたばかりで、定量的な評価は少ない。
Creator Keywords
light emitting diode
Profile of Mood States
amylase activity