

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 3
published_at 2010-03

The effects of computer-assisted instruction and e-learning system for practice of conduct of labor on midwifery education

Kido Kumiko
Morimoto Chisako
Hayashi Takashi
453 KB
 Recently, computer-assisted instruction and e-learning have gotten attention in education of university but there is no practice in school of nursing. The purpose of this study is to develop a computer-assisted instruction and e-learning for practice of conduct of labor on midwifery education and usability assessment of it. The subjects are four midwifery students who intended learn specialized fi eld in one of the nursing University. Five subjects with using computer-assisted instruction and e-learning and Five subjects with not using computer-assisted instruction and e-learning but reading of the paper which described about conduct of labor were studied in randomized. Two groups were compared between achievements of the technique after self-learning. The results of the comparison showed the item that “How to disinfect the Vulva ”(Z =-2.494 P=0.029),“setting of sterile fi eld”(t=-2.390,P=0.028),“Total score”(Z=-2.192,P=0.042) in procedure of conduct of labor signifi cant diff erences between two groups. There are no signifi cant diff erences another item of in it. Self-learning system like a computer-assisted instruction and e-leaning get practice when and where one can. Those have benefi t for a part of technical learning in procedure of conduct of labor.
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