

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 14
published_at 2021-03-31

Practical research on Clothing Upcycling and Design Personas : A Case Study of Workshop for Christmas Creation 2020

服飾のアップサイクルとデザインペルソナに関する実践的研究 : クリスマスクリエーション2020のためのワークショップを事例として
Tamura Nami
Yamamoto Narumi
5.87 MB
Since ancient times, it has been a wise custom to utilize the leftover fabrics of western clothes and kimonos to make new clothes and accessories, but in the modern age upcycling in the apparel industry has become a subject. The theme of this paper is upcycling, which means to recycle and reuse old materials, such as threading a new cloth from an old cloth or creating something different altogether. Rather than discarding things that are no longer needed, by making use of its original form and characteristics and adding a new concept to it, something entirely new can be created.As a result, by virtue of having a high degree of design, the new garments now possess higher value, and in this way, upcycling creates new value.In the fashion field, Martin Margiela launched his own brand in 1988 to protest against deconstructivism and the disposable culture of the 1980’s bubble era by creating his own collection made from using discarded clothes, wigs, eco bags, and broken pottery. His collection has a high degree of artistry recognized as Margiela's unique concept, but there were not many followers of him in the high fashion world.In 2015 the United Nations adopted sustainable development goals, and in the current situation with global warming and plastic trash in the ocean, the problems of not only pollutants in apparel goods and fast fashion but also ready-towear and Haute couture have also become urgent issues needed to be solved. In media such as fashion magazines, the term "sustainable fashion" is frequently featured on the cover.In consideration of this current backdrop, this paper discusses the development of upcycling as a method not to collect clothes but to identify the owner and organize a workshop of three groups which all create clothes using a designated theme. The workshop was not to design innovative apparel in the style of Margiela but to make use of various design personas and to investigate the apparel design process and realize the design potential of upcycling.
Creator Keywords
Clothing Design
Design Persona
Sustainable Design