
IWANO Masako

A Search for Blended Learning based on ID (Instructional Design) : one step towards a new form of postgraduate education in the age of new-normal lifestyles

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 14 Page 47-55
published_at 2021-03-31
[fulltext] 1.28 MB
ID(Instructional Design)に基づくブレンド型学習の模索 : ニューノーマル時代の新たな大学院教育に向けた一歩として
A Search for Blended Learning based on ID (Instructional Design) : one step towards a new form of postgraduate education in the age of new-normal lifestyles
Creators Iwano Masako
Creators Wilson Amy
Creators Yoshimura Koichi
Creators Hasegawa Masashi
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
ブレンド型学習 インストラクショナルデザイン 学習者中心の教育パラダイム 破壊的イノベーション Blended Learning Instructional Design Learner-centered educational paradigm Disruptive Innovation
本稿は、令和2(2020)年度山口県立大学研究創作助成金を得て大学院で行った教育改善プロジェクトについて 報告するものである。本年度当初には新型コロナウィルスにより全国の大学が対面授業からオンライン授業に変 更を余儀なくされたが、本学大学院ではその前から学習者中心の教育パラダイムやeラーニング大学といった新し い動向に着目し、インストラクショナルデザインやブレンド型学習に基づく大学院教育改革を進めていた。2030年 の社会に向けた教育振興計画や2040年の近未来を目指した大学院教育改革等においては、ともすればICT技術の活 用やデジタル化といったことのみに着目されがちであるが、学習者中心の教育パラダイムへのシフトは「学校」 「キャンパス」といった場そのものや、一斉授業という方法を一新する破壊的イノベーションにつながる理論であ る。そのため、研究プロジェクトでは先進的な理論や実践例を調査し、特に熊本大学大学院のインストラクショ ナルデザインの考え方に学ぶ企画を立てた。それを踏まえて大学院における2科目を改善する案を模索し、令和3 (2021)年度からブレンド型学習を試行すべく検討を行った。その歩みはまだ第一歩を踏み始めたばかりであり、 本稿は途中経過の報告となるが、with/afterコロナのニューノーマル時代の新たなライフスタイル、そこでの新し い学びの形を描いて、さらに検討を続けていく。
This paper aims to document the pioneering use of Blended Learning and Instructional Design, and the rationale for its use, in two compulsory subjects in the Postgraduate Schools of YPU. Recent developments in student focused learning theories have driven reforms in higher education which emphasize a competency/ outcome-based evaluation of students’performance. The question has changed from‘what should teachers teach’to‘what should students learn’. This slogan has been repeated regularly in government statements about educational policy. However, this slogan has not been accompanied by relevant structures to which teachers might refer, when seeking to adapt their teaching styles to the new teaching context. The inevitable consequence has been variations in teaching styles and approach. In order to provide the structure required to implement teaching in a structured and consistent way, it is critical to define clearly what is the purpose of a learner-centered paradigm and on that foundation to re-design the entire learning system and, in doing so, to take full account of new models of learning and teaching at university level which are evolving quickly in the area of e-learning. Thus, the project dealt with in this paper takes as starting point understanding the theories on which the learner-centered paradigm is based. Government policy emphasizes that, by 2030, IT/ICT literacy should be promoted and prioritized at all levels of education. Our project focuses on an integrated use of ICT in curriculum design and classroom management, rather than just seeing ICT as another medium for teaching and learning. In blended learning and instructional design, ICT is now one of the most powerful and indispensable tools available to the teacher. The impact of COVID-19 has changed the entire scenario for teaching delivery towards online education and is a catalyst which will accelerate new-normal lifestyles which will not be reversed even after COVID-19 is over. Equally, COVID-19 has been a catalyst which has forced the development and implementation of new technologies which can be adapted quickly to almost all learning environments. In this process, we should remain aware that ICT is an essential support for blended learning and instructional design but it is not an end in itself. The focus must always remain on the evolution and evidence-based implementation of learning theories. This paper describes a practical project to improve learning outcomes in 2 subjects by the application of some theories from blended learning and instructional design. The theoretical basis comes from attendance in seminars conducted by the Research Center for Instructional Systems of Kumamoto University. Novel about our project is that the 2 subjects involve collaboration in teaching by two separate postgraduate schools and over 10 teaching staff in these schools. It is hoped that the experiences, issues identified, and outcomes achieved will be shared more broadly with teaching staff as part of the university’s commitment to ongoing improvement in learner outcomes. The project involving the two selected subjects will be implemented from April 2021 and it is hoped that the outcomes of this experiment can be reported a year later.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2021-03-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access