resource typedepartmental bulletin paper
PCAGIP 2 コロナ禍 2 0th prevention 1 0次予防(Prevention) 1 ARCS-V model, distance exchange activities, learning motivation, Japanese language education in the university of China 1 ARCS-Vモデル,遠隔交流活動,学習意欲,中国大学日本語教育 1 Badminton technical guidance, ICT teaching materials, Academic achievements, Psychological changes, Learning video 1 Central Council for Education 1 Creating a safe and secure place 1 Education consultation theory 1 Fumio Koizumi, nursery rhyme, 2 sound melody, 3 sound melody, 4 sound melody, imperial court music scale, scale of the imperial court music, Tetra Cordes, penta Cordes, Saburo Sonobe 1 Health care workers 1 ICT educational activities 1 ICT教育活動 1 Judo class 1 Judo rehabilitation school 1 Judo rehabilitation teacher 1 Kunsterfahrung 1 Kunstpädagogik 1 Mental Health 1 Micro-force traction, hip joint, objectivity, SLR angle, passive muscle moment 1 Pluralität 1 Questionnaire survey 1 Reflection, Reflection sheet, Music expression in contents of childcare, Musical expression, Simulating childcare 1 Russo-Japanese War, army medics, war diaries, military mails, war photo books, shooting, military secrets, censorship 1 Shoji MURAYAMA 1 Student (career) guidance theory 1 Teacher training 1 Upper-case culture, Lower-case culture 1 VO 2 max 1 analects 1 be yourself 1 dialogue with yourself 1 education method 1 exercise adherence 1 home- and community-based exercise intervention 1 mentally 1 older adults 1 self-efficacy 1 sign-language interpreter, welfare support, function of the sign-language interpretation 1 the Theory about the Reader, reading log, design of reading lesson, deepening understanding, Japanese education in Chinese colleges 1 Ästhetik 1 Ästhetisches Denken 1 ありのままの自分 1 こころ 1 ことば 1 アンケート調査 1 イメージ・アトラス 1 イメージ・コンピテンシー 1 イメージ学 1
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Creators : HARA Kaya Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2022-09-20
Creators : NISHIDA Akiko Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2022-09-20
Creators : NAKAYAMA Koki | FURUYA Hiroshi | HARAGUCHI Yoshiko | NAKAYAMA Mieko | SHIGEMATSU Soyoka | KITADA Tomoko | MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : KUROKI Takumi | KITADA Tomoko Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : AKIYAMA Toshiko | MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : OKUDA Ayako | MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
MURAYAMA`s Analects, 2021Ver. -By Miho HATANAKA-
Toua Journal of Clinical Psychology Volume 21
Creators : HATANAKA Miho | MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : MOTOYAMA Tomonori | MURAYAMA Shoji Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Creators : KUWANO Yuko Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2022-03-31
Toua Journal of Clinical Psychology VOL. 21, 2022
Toua Journal of Clinical Psychology Volume 21
Publishers : 東亜大学大学院 総合学術研究科 臨床心理学専攻 Date Issued : 2021-03-31
Wolfgang Welsch ist einer der führenden Philosophen und Ästhetiker im Deutschland der Gegenwart. Der vorliegende Text stellt die erste Hälfte der Übersetzung eines Interviews, das der Verfasser am 5. März 2020 in Berlin mit ihm geführt hat, dar. In diesem Gespräch wurden insbesondere die Rolle und die Möglichkeiten der Kunstpädagogik im Deutschland der Gegenwart behandelt.
Creators : KIYONGA Nobumasa Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2022-03
The teacher-like quality seen in teacher-training course student
Bulletin of University of East Asia Volume 34
In considering the school education environment and the situation of teacher recruitment in recent years, this research looks at the teacher qualities of students who want to become teachers in the future. In the background of the research, there is a problem about the qualifications and abilities required of teachers shown by the Ministry of Education (Central council for Education). This time, I tried to analyze the data obtained through the tasks in the lecture in order to find an index for the student’s teaching profession. The data analysis survey period is one year in 2020 (April 2020 to March 2021).The number of valid responses is 52 (65 in total, 13 invalid responses).The main analysis looked at the data feedback from the students. The data is based on John L. Holland’s theory of career choice (appropriate employment diagnosis).
Creators : KURODA Nobuyo Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2022-03
In recent years, due to changes in the environment surrounding judo rehabilitation training facilities, it has become difficult for students to understand the meaning of taking judo classes in the training course, and the significance of judo education in judo rehabilitation training is significant. It may be fading. In response to this situation, in this study, we investigated the non-technical (mental aspect) obtained through judo lessons at the judo rehabilitation teacher training school and the judo view of students who become medical professionals, and conducted judo education in judo rehabilitation. We will reconsider the position. In doing so, students enrolled in a certain school in Osaka Prefecture were selected as survey subjects, and anonymous questionnaire surveys were conducted and analyzed three times at the end of each school year from 2019 to 2021. As a result, the number of students who answered that judo lessons had a non-technical (mental) effect increased with each grade, confirming that students' awareness of non-technical effects increased. From this, it is possible that a person who teaches judo will explain the purpose and significance of judo to students, and that continuous practice of judo for three years will have a beneficial effect on non-technical (mental) aspects as a medical professional. It was suggested.
Creators : FUKUI Yukiko | BITO Itumu | IDE Takaharu | TAKAMOTO Kouichi | MARUZAWA Ryoko | KUBOYAMA Kazuhiko Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2022-03
Bulletin of University of East Asia Volume 32
Creators : TOKUDOME Katsutoshi Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2021-04
Bulletin of University of East Asia Volume 32
《要旨》 本稿では,まず日本における結婚移住女性[]の現状および抱える問題についてまとめる。次に,結婚移住女性に対する支援政策についてまとめる。
Creators : HARA Kaya Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2021-04
Attempt to build expressiveness in early childhood
Bulletin of University of East Asia Volume 32
Creators : KURODA Nobuyo | TOKUDOME Katsutoshi Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2021-04
《要旨》 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大により中止された2020年度第1回日本語能力試験の代替試験として,本学では2020年10月末,キャリアセンターを中心とする形でJ.TEST実用日本語検定準会場試験を実施した。本稿では,その実施に関わった当事者である日本語教育担当教員の視点から実施報告を行った。まず本学における日本語教育の概要について述べた後,J.TEST準会場試験実施決定から終了までのプロセスを報告し,その特徴を「ノットワーキング」概念を援用し読み解いた。本実践では即興的ノットワーキングが有効に機能した。一方で,本学留学生教育としての日本語教育は,試験対策教育ではなくあくまで「言語教育」「留学生教育」を目的としたものであるべきである。今回の準会場試験実施での経験と結ばれた「結び目」を,今後の本学留学生日本語教育に生かすことを抱負として述べた。
Creators : YANEHASHI Nobuko | KANEMARU Takumi Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2021-04
要旨 本稿では、筆者らが2020年7月および9月に実施した「東亜大学オンラインにほんご交流会 おしゃべりミナト」について報告した。交流会の企画、実践、振り返りを通して、コロナ禍における「ことば」と「こころ」を支える実践の意義について考えた。その結果、交流会の根底には、「ゆるやかさ」が流れており、それが、場の「余白」を生み出していたことが分かった。さらに、その「余白」が、相互の理解や学び合いの基盤となり得ることが示唆された。
Creators : KANEMARU Takumi | YANEHASHI Nobuko | TAKAYA Yuki | SATO Mami Publishers : University of East Asia Date Issued : 2021-04
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