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Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University:Bulletin of the Faculty of Nursing and Nutrition Volume 16
pp. 33 - 40
published_at 2023-03-31
The present study involved implementing a food and nutrition educational program comprising different mechanisms for promoting preschoolers’ involvement in a fictional narrative world. The purpose was to evaluate them to determine if they proactively and enjoyably learned about the foodstuffs’ characteristics and the threecolor (red, green, and yellow) classification system for food groups. The participants were 26 “senior-year” (ages 5 and 6) nursery school and kindergarten students. The program followed a storyline (narrative form), with initial “icebreaking” activities, a play, food-related games, and reflection time. The participants were evaluated by using a record of their behavior during the program and interviewing them after the program. The behavior record revealed that the participants spoke spontaneously about the foodstuffs’ characteristics—for example, at a booth designed to stimulate visual perception, “The seeds look like stars!” (apple); at a booth designed to stimulate tactile perception, “It’s like a tree!” (broccoli); and at a booth designed to stimulate olfactory perception, “The crushed ones smell even better!” In the interview after the program,when we asked “How was the activity with Gohanger?”, 84.0% of preschoolers responded positively to the activities, such as "Playing games was fun.” To the question “Do you remember how Gohanger said the teacher who is not energetic for the role could become well again and regain their power in the play?”, 80.0% said, “I remember,” while 90.0% said something about the three color-classified food groups, with statements such as “He eats red, green, and yellow food!” Based on these results, it was concluded that the program promoted the participants’ proactive participation and that they also learned about the foodstuffs’ characteristics and the three color-classified food groups.
Creators :
Kato Motoshi
Shintani Kayo
Terada Aki
Kaneyasu Mayumi
Sonoda Junko
Nogi Akiko
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 15
pp. 17 - 24
published_at 2022-03-31
The purpose of this study was to clarify the relationship between healthy life expectancy and lifestyle and other factors by utilizing real-world data such as open data from the National Database on Receipt Information and Specified Health Examination (NDB), which contains data on specified health examinations for approximately 20 million people nationwide.
In men, fasting blood glucose of 126 mg/dL or more and financial capability index showed a negative correlation with healthy life expectancy, while sports activity rate and hobby activity rate showed a positive correlation with healthy life expectancy. In women, fasting blood glucose of 126 mg/dL or more and smoking habit showed a negative correlation with healthy life expectancy.
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 15
pp. 1 - 16
published_at 2022-03-31
For the purpose of clarifying the relationship between mortality rate of all causes of death and Mortality rate from malignant neoplasms and lifestyle-related factors and other factors by utilizing the open data of the receipt information / specific medical examination information database (NDB), We examined the health issues of Japan and Yamaguchi Prefecture from the perspective of a registered dietitian.
In men, "fasting blood glucose level 110 mg / dL or more", "systolic blood pressure 140 mmHg or more", "drinking more than 2 times on drinking days" and the mortality rate of all causes of death showed an association, and "the frequency of drinking alcohol every day", "drinking more than 2 times on drinking days" and mortality rate from malignant neoplasms showed an association. In women, the mortality rate of all causes of death was associated with "diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or more", "smoking habit", and "weight gain / loss in one year is ± 3 kg or more", and "smoking habit" was mortality rate from malignant neoplasms to malignant neoplasms. Mortality was associated.
山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 14
pp. 157 - 162
published_at 2021-03-31
Creators :
Tsuyushige Yoshie
Terada Aki
Yamazaki Akane
Tokuda Kazuhiro
Nakamura Bunya
Tanaka Makiko
Yoshimura Koichi
Publishers : 山口県立大学
山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 13
pp. 15 - 21
published_at 2020-03-31
Creators :
Kato Motoshi
Terada Aki
Iwamoto Ayaka
Kaneyasu Mayumi
Yamazaki Akane
Sonoda Junko
Nogi Akiko
Publishers : 山口県立大学
山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 10
pp. 77 - 82
published_at 2017-02-28
Creators :
Kato Motoshi
Terada Aki
Uchida Ayano
Sako Misaki
Watanabe Kyoko
Galue Jorge
Publishers : 山口県立大学