

The Possibility of Blended E-learning Education in Graduate Program: The analysis of follow up survey results on distant classes for prevention of the COVID-19 infection

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 14 Page 57-75
published_at 2021-03-31
[fulltext] 1.3 MB
ブレンド型eラーニング大学院教育の可能性 : 新型コロナウイルス感染症防止に伴う遠隔授業の事後調査分析から
The Possibility of Blended E-learning Education in Graduate Program: The analysis of follow up survey results on distant classes for prevention of the COVID-19 infection
Creators Shindo Yuko
Creators Hitomi Eri
Creators Iwano Masako
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
オンライン教育 大学院教育 社会人教育 外国人留学生教育 ポストコロナ Online education Postgraduate education Adult education International student education With/after COVID-19
2020年度の新型コロナウイルス感染症対策の観点から、多くの大学で遠隔授業を取り入れることとなった。これ に先だち、山口県立大学大学院では新しい時代に向けたeラーニング大学の動きを見据えて、インストラクショナ ルデザインをふまえたブレンド型学習の導入を目指し、山口県立大学研究助成に申請を行った。全国的に開始され たポスト・コロナの大学あるいは大学院院教育の検討とも一致することとなったが、コロナがあろうとなかろう と推進すべき方向性を模索している。一方で、すべての科目が一斉にオンラインになった2020年度前期の講義・演 習・実習科目については、山口県立大学大学院国際文化学研究科修士課程および健康福祉学研究科博士前期・後 期課程における実態について、大学院生および担当教員を対象にWEBによるアンケート調査を行った。その結果、 新型コロナウイルス感染の心配があるという消極的な理由からだけでなく、特に留学生や社会人学生が多い本学大 学院においては、時間的制約や場所的制約がない遠隔授業を希望している院生が92%と多いことが明らかになった。 また、教員においても、概ね遠隔授業に満足しており、75%の教員が今後も遠隔授業を続けたいと回答していた。 以上のことから、ポスト・コロナ時代に向けて、より充実した遠隔授業の展開とともに、学生中心の教育パラダイ ムの理論に基づいた新しい学びのスタイルを導入した大学院教育を試行していくことが重要であると考えられた。
Due to the impact of COVID-19 during 2020, most universities were forced as a matter of urgency to switch teaching delivery from face-to-face to online. However, already in autumn 2019-before the COVID-19 outbreak the Postgraduate Schools of Yamaguchi Prefectural University had decided to introduce blended learning based on instructional design theories, with the objective of providing enhanced e-learning capacity within the existing teaching models for postgraduate education. This project applied funding from YPU’s internal research funds. Thus, when all classes were moved to online delivery from April 2020 following the outbreak of COVID-19, there was already some structure in place for the delivery. To evaluate the effectiveness of graduate school teaching delivery in the post COVID-19 context, a web-based questionnaire was administered to students and teachers in the Master’s program of the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies and the Master’s and Doctoral programs of the Graduate School of Health and Welfare in Yamaguchi Prefectural University. The results of the survey showed that postgraduate students did not express significant concerns about any negative impact on their learning outcomes due to the switch to online delivery. Notably, 92% of adult or international student respondents actually expressed a preference for online delivery to be continued in the future because of the additional flexibility which this mode of delivery gives in terms of location and choice of time for such people to study. 75% of respondents from amongst faculty members also expressed satisfaction with the online delivery format and expressed their willingness to continue with online classes in the future post-COVID period. These survey results suggest that it will be important to focus on improving and developing the existing models of online delivery, even in the post-COVID era. Development of existing models for structured design of classes and online education management may become a priority, driven to a large extent by the expectations of students who have now become accustomed to online learning as the new normal. Such development may need to focus, especially at postgraduate school level, on a mode of blended learning which is based on a learner centered education paradigm.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2021-03-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access