
Teaching American society to Japanese students using an active learning syllabus

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 10 Page 101-108
published_at 2017-02-28
[fulltext] 2.59 MB
Teaching American society to Japanese students using an active learning syllabus
Creators Wilson Amy
Source Identifiers
In recent years, the push to incorporate Active Learning into university classes in Japan has become increasingly strong, and various books, reports, and internet resources have been published to help the inexperienced teacher understand the whys and hows of Active Learning. This report explains a partial class syllabus for teaching Japanese students about American society and culture using mainly Active Learning methodologies, and reviews its implementation to discover problems and possibilities for improvement. For the first Jig-Saw round, students in 5-person groups learned about particular population groups in America (African Americans, Native Americans, European immigrants, Asian immigrants, Women), then joined each group’s history into a 6-meter timeline poster, after which each student explained their group’s history to others in a new group using the timeline. For the second Jig-Saw round, students in each group worked together to create a poster on a specific issue in the US, and then participated in a poster presentation round in which individual members of each group formed new ‘peer presentation groups’ and took turns explaining their poster to the other people in this new group.
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2017-02-28
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access