Volume 8 Issue 1
( 2016-03-31 )
Volume 7 Issue 1
( 2014-03-31 )
Volume 6 Issue 1
( 2013-03-29 )
Volume 5 Issue 1
( 2012-03-30 )
Volume 4 Issue 1
( 2011-03-30 )
Volume 3 Issue 1
( 2010-03-30 )
Volume 2 Issue 1
( 2009-03-31 )
Volume 1 Issue 1
( 2008-03-31 )
Factor affecting of student nurse's self-educating ability : locus of control, stress-coping and influence of committee activity in high school days
Mutsuko Michihiro
Yoshiko Fujita
Miho Asai
PP. 1 - 8
Relation between the Self-Expression scale and the Uniqueness scale in Nursing Practice
Yoshiko Fujita
Kazuko Takimoto
Mutsuko Michihiro
Yasuko Kawano
PP. 9 - 17
The viewpoint of a nurse looking after a patient of the palliative care unit-Using revision grounded theory approach; and-
Nobuko Nishimura
Hatsumi Mori
Ayako Fukumori
Keiko Kurashiki
Tetsuya Hara
Masae Amiki
Tomomi Matsusita
PP. 19 - 26
The factors for self-decision and supports of medical care to stop the therapy in the patient with triple cancer
Hatumi Mori
Ayako Fukumori
PP. 27 - 34
Development of feelings of attachment by mothers whose newborns are hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
Norimi Takata
Hisa Nomoto
PP. 35 - 41
Awareness and difficulties of psychiatric nurses caring for patients with polydipsis : Based on experiences with physical and verbal abuse
Miyuki Sato
Satoko Isomura
Toshie Yamane
Hiroko Miyazaki
Hiromi Sakuda
Rieko Miyamoto
PP. 43 - 48
Factor to select of the last life place among active aging persons
Toyoko Sugihara
Masahiro Yokoyama
PP. 49 - 58
滝本 和子
道廣 睦子
河野 保子
藤田 佳子
PP. 59 - 68
池田 澄子
道廣 睦子
棚﨑 由紀子
原 哲也
河野 保子
PP. 69 - 74
田中 正子
河野 保子
PP. 75 - 81
10年間の看護文献にみる口腔ケア方法の検討 : 1997-2006年
倉鋪 桂子
福森 絢子
網木 政江
原 哲也
松下 智美
PP. 83 - 89
産・官・学・民が協働し環境に取り組む地域住民のエンパワーメントに関する研究 : 宇部方式を可能にした活動(第1報)
池田 澄子
米田 純子
滝川 洋子
林 志保
PP. 91 - 99
入学生の健康状況と生活環境・生活習慣との関連(第1報) : 2学部間比較
宮崎 博子
杉原 トヨ子
佐藤 美幸
長川 トミエ
米田 純子
PP. 101 - 108
All Journal Index