
Nakagawa Masahiro

Influence of temperature on the growth of red alga Pyropia tenuipedalis thalli

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 66 Issue 4 Page 215-220
published_at 2018-03
[fulltext] 1.49 MB
Influence of temperature on the growth of red alga Pyropia tenuipedalis thalli
Creators Murase Noboru
Creators Abe Mahiko
Creators Fukudome Kei
Creators Nakagawa Masahiro
Creators Shikano Yosuke
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Pyropia tenuipedalis foliose thallus growth optimal temperature uniseriate thallus
This study was designed to clarify the optimal temperatures for growth in uniseriate thalli and foliose thalli of Pyropia tenuipedalis in the laboratory culture at 5℃ interval from 10℃ to 25℃ or 30℃. The optimal temperature of uniseriate thalli which used two-cell stage developed from a spherical cell were 15℃ and 20℃. And, the optimal temperature of foliose thalli which used young blade with the length about 6 cm was 15℃. It was suggested that these optimal temperatures of uniseriate and foliose thalli were related to the reduction of water temperature from autumn to winter.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2018-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access