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大島商船高等専門学校紀要 Volume 36
published_at 2003-12

A study on deepening cross-cultural understanding through teaching materials

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lt is difflcult to define the concept of'culture' because it has many different components. Ideas are hard to explain, and perspectives are difficult to relate to. There are many meanings inherent in the word culture. Therefore, we need to clarify the definition of culture in cross- cultural education, especially English education. Otherwise, there is a possibility that we may risk interpreting different cultures inappropriately and inconsistently. This paper is an attempt to define the concept of culture, considering the role of cross- cultural education in English education. I will suggest ways to deepen the understanding of cross‐ cultural materials by referring to language and culture. Section 2 illustrates the role of English language education in facilitating cross- cultural understanding. Section 3 refers to the definition of culture in cross- cultural understanding. Section 4 illustrates the way in which we recognize and analyze cross-cultural materials prior to using them in the classroom. Section 5 is an analysis of the materials for cross- cultural understanding.
Creator Keywords
language teaching