Journal of National Fisheries University

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Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 56 Issue 1
published_at 2007-11

Estimation of inertia currents and drift currents due to the coastal wind (the land and sea breeze) from the fortnight data of tidal currents

慣性流や海陸風による吹送流の算出に関する試み : 沿岸域で定点測定した15日間デ一タの活用
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Although we know that harmonic constants of the four main tidal components, M2, S2, O1 and K1, can be given by the 15 day data of tides or tidal currents, this study shows that oscillatory components except the four components can be newly obtained from advancement of the data processing in which the residual data is prepared by elimination of the four components. Current data analyzed here was measured at the multi-levels of the stationary station in the Suounada sound, the Seto Inland Sea where water motion is induced by wind besides tides because the sound is rather wide and shallow. The inertia current obtained here is fairly accurate compared to the N2 component. It is noteworthy that the drift current due to the land and sea breeze has been analyzed though its period is almost equal to the K1 component eliminated in the residual data. This analysis was possible because the diurnal oscillatory breeze changed in direction in the duration of this experiment.
Creator Keywords
Inertia current
Drift current
Land and sea breeze
Harmonic analysis