
ARAI Tetsuo

Locomotor Activity Rhythm of Velarifictorus grylloides (Orthoptera:Gryllidae)

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 11 Page 11-17
published_at 2018-02-28
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ナツノツヅレサセコオロギVelarifictorus grylloides(Orthoptera:Gryllidae)の歩行活動リズム
Locomotor Activity Rhythm of Velarifictorus grylloides (Orthoptera:Gryllidae)
Creators ARAI Tetsuo
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
ナツノツヅレサセコオロギ 歩行活動リズム 明暗周期 Velarifictorus grylloides locomotor activity rhythm light-dark cycle
Locomotor activity rhythm of adult Velarifictorus grylloides(Orthoptera:Gryllidae) was examined females and males at 28ºC, 12L: 12D. Locomotor activities were most often observed during the dark period. However,some individuals commenced activity several hours before the transition from light to dark, some were fairly active during the light period, and some synchronized the end but not the start of activity with the light/dark cycle: there were notable individual differences. The locomotor activity pattern of one individual may be closely synchronized with the light/dark cycle from beginning to end, but another individual may show changes in its activity pattern between cycles. The degree of synchronization with light and dark periods differed between individuals. Activity during the 24 hours before death was continuous, regardless of light and dark periods, and in many individuals the amount of activity suddenly increased. Activity levels for females were twice as high as those for males, and the duration of their daily activity was also longer.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2018-02-28
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access