

Publish Date (<span class="translation_missing" title="translation missing: en.view.asc">Asc</span>)
山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 13 pp. 23 - 32
published_at 2020-03-31
Creators : Katsui Yoko Publishers : 山口県立大学
This study investigated abuse to people with disabilities, considered "abuse to people with disabilities by employees of welfare facilities for people with disabilities" as described in each "Report on the Investigation Results" for the fiscal years 2015-2019, and considered the current situation and problems of abuse to them suggested by these reports. As a result, it became clear that intellectually disabled people are intensively abused, and that people in higher disable support categories and people with behavioral disorders (the terms used in the reports) are being increasingly abused.
Creators : Katsui Yoko
The purpose of this paper was to study social exclusion as an effect of residential facility care in the provision of welfare services for persons with disabilities. This is based on an understanding of such welfare measures from the perspective of a system to provide social welfare that enables approximately 127,660 people with intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, etc. who are in institutions in Japan, to live in local society. The results showed the existence of not only the abuse of persons with disabilities as an outcome of the provision of welfare services to them, but also abuse in the background treatment premised on collective action, lack of staff to regulate these actions, lack of individual support, a shortage of staff to support regional transition, social isolation with 72.0% of residents staying for 10–40 years or longer, maintenance of the reproductive function of large-scale residential facilities, suppression of community life support services, policies that function to socially isolate and socially exclude as an effect of this, and a series of structural disadvantages at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. These findings suggest the need for an improved system of social welfare provision. Keywords: Isolation, social exclusion, disability welfare measures, people with intellectual disabilities, Abuse of persons with disabilities
Creators : KATSUI Yoko