How Uncertainty Orientation and the Behavior Style of the Minority Effect Direct and Indirect Influence.
山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 3
Page 29-42
published_at 2010-03
How Uncertainty Orientation and the Behavior Style of the Minority Effect Direct and Indirect Influence.
Yasunaga Satoru
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
uncertainty orientation
minority influence
flexible/rigid behavior style
direct/indirect influence
This study was conducted to examine the effects of personal uncertainty orientation(UO/CO)and the flexible/rigid behavior style of the minority on direct influence(the area where majority and minority conflict)and indirect influence(the area where majority and minority do not refer to the matter at hand). Prior to a small group experiment, factor analysis was run in order to classify the direct and indirect items (jury cases). 151 male and female university students participated in the factor analysis. A Crutchfi eld type group experiment session with 134 participants(male and female university students)
exposed participants to majority (3 persons) and fl exible/rigid minority(1 person).
Results showed that the fl exible/rigid behavior style of the minority as well as participants’ uncertainty orientation had an interactive eff ect on the indirect influence area.
exposed participants to majority (3 persons) and fl exible/rigid minority(1 person).
Results showed that the fl exible/rigid behavior style of the minority as well as participants’ uncertainty orientation had an interactive eff ect on the indirect influence area.
Resource Type
departmental bulletin paper
Date Issued
File Version
Version of Record
Access Rights
open access