
Takahashi Yukinori

Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophil from Japanese Lates, Lates japonicus

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 60 Issue 2 Page 85-93
published_at 2012-01
[fulltext] 2.98 MB
Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophil from Japanese Lates, Lates japonicus
Creators Kondo Masakazu
Creators Yasumoto Shinya
Creators Takahashi Yukinori
Source Identifiers [PISSN] 0370-9361
Creator Keywords
Japanese lates Lates japonicus neutrophil morphology cytochemistry
Morphological and cytochemical characteristics of neutrophil in Japanese lates, Lates japonicus were examined by light microscopy. The shape of neutrophils was round to oval (8.0-12.0 μm in diameter) and the nucleus round to lobule-shaped. Granules of the neutrophil were classified into two types, chromophobic granule (βG) and basophilic granule (γG). The βG was round to oval (≦0.5 μm in diameter), unstained by Romanowsky type stain (May-Grünwald (MG), Giemsa and MG-Giemsa) and peroxidase positive. The γG was round to oval (≦0.3 μm in diameter) and stained light blue with Romanovsky type stain under various conditions. This granule was alkaline phosphatase and toluidine blue (TB) positive. The Yasumoto body was also found in the neutrophil and TB positive.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2012-01
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access