
Takashima Sueo

On the Maneuverability of Training Ship “KOYO-MARU”(2,000GT size)-III  Stopping Ability of a Ship with a Skewed Propeller

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 40 Issue 4 Page 153-162
published_at 1992-03
[fulltext] 1.99 MB
練習船耕洋丸(2,000GT型)の操縦性能について一III Skewed Propeller装備による逆転停止性能
On the Maneuverability of Training Ship “KOYO-MARU”(2,000GT size)-III  Stopping Ability of a Ship with a Skewed Propeller
Creators Hamaguchi Masato
Creators Takashima Sueo
Creators Shimokawa Shin-ya
Creators Tabuchi Kiyoharu
Source Identifiers [PISSN] 0370-9361
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 1992-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access