
Niki Kaori

Relationship between distribution of Heteromastus, Mediomastus and Notomastus of Capitellidae of polychaete and bottom condition in the northern part of Ariake Sound

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 54 Issue 1 Page 7-13
published_at 2006-03
[fulltext] 458 KB
有明海北部海域における多毛類,イトゴカイ科のHeteromastus, Mediomastus, Notomastus の分布と底質との関係
Relationship between distribution of Heteromastus, Mediomastus and Notomastus of Capitellidae of polychaete and bottom condition in the northern part of Ariake Sound
Creators Niki Kaori
Creators Suyama Noriko
Creators Suda Yusuke
Creators Murai Takeshi
Source Identifiers [PISSN] 0370-9361
Creator Keywords
benthos burrowing organisms invertebrate 200 logy environmental conditions distribution sediment properties
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2006-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access