
Nakagawa Masahiro

Relationships between adherence strength and length and width of basal parts in Neopyropia yezoensis blade

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 69 Issue 3 Page 75-79
published_at 2021-03
[fulltext] 632 KB
紅藻スサビノリのヒキ (活着力) と葉状体の基部長・基部幅との関係
Relationships between adherence strength and length and width of basal parts in Neopyropia yezoensis blade
Creators Abe Mahiko
Creators Sakiyama Kai
Creators Ohashira Tomomi
Creators Kato Daiki
Creators Nakagawa Masahiro
Creators Sato Tomoko
Creators Murase Noboru
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Neopyropia yezoensis adherence strength length of basal part width of basal part
We examined the relationships between adherence strength to culture net and basal part shape of Neopyropia yezoensis blade “nori”. The range of adherence strength was 0.030 – 0.204 N per blade. Length and width of basal parts, blade length and blade width tended to increase as the values of adherence strength raised. Adherence strength showed strong correlation with width of basal part. Moreover, adherence strength correlated with blade width. It was thought that the values of adherence strength and length and width of basal parts related to decrease water temperature in growing waters. However, it was suggested that a viewpoint of the relationship between adherence strength and width of basal part would be useful.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2021-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access