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Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 765 - 780
published_at 2024-03-31
This study is based on interviews with five war orphans who experienced the absence of a father or brotherin-aw in the postwar period. I examined how surviving family members made sense of the absence of their fathers and brother-in-laws from a narrative perspective. Based on this examination, I discussed family resilience in the face of loss. For bereaved family members, it is not easy to accept the absence or loss of a significant person. However, in order for the survivors to continue to live with the absence or loss of their father, they need to "maintain the foundation of their lives while they and their survivors take on the role of their father," "share memories and feelings for the deceased within the family," and "see the value of feeling a special connection with the deceased even if they cannot share it with other family members. It was considered important to "find value in feeling that there is a special connection with the deceased, even if there are things that cannot be shared with other family members.
Creators : SASAKI Naomi Updated At : 2024-05-23 09:38:49
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 757 - 763
published_at 2024-03-31
This report is the result of interviews with students from abroad enrolled at Yamaguchi Prefectural University’s Graduate School about the prevailing educational and learning circumstances and their educational needs. These foreign students wish to hear and understand academic Japanese, and aim to write their master theses in academic Japanese. The University appreciates the importance of support when learning the Japanese language, but foreign students were unaware of the support provided by Yamaguchi Prefectural University for master’s students wishing to draft their thesis in academic Japanese.
Creators : IZAO Tomio | Kim Hyeweon | SONE Fumio | SAKAMOTO Toshihiko Updated At : 2024-05-23 03:24:20
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 749 - 756
published_at 2024-03-31
The present work is a romanized transliteration of the Dhāraṇīparivarta, the twenty-first chapter of the Saddharmapuṇḍarīka which has been one of the most popular and influential sUtras among the Mahāyāna Buddhist Literature. For further infomation, see Suzuki [2008a] and [2009a].
Creators : SUZUKI Takayasu Updated At : 2024-05-23 03:14:54
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 691 - 747
published_at 2024-03-31
The Blue & Green Art Project initiated its activities in 2020 with the goal of fostering regional sustainability through the connection of sea and land. This time, we introduced the perspective of wellbeing. The theme for this year's project was "Well-being by Sea and Land: Happiness is Found in Handicrafts". This thesis focuses on ‘Sustainable Handicraft Tradition and Design in Yamaguchi’, examining the mental, physical, and social wellbeing that handicrafts bring to people. It explores the dilemma between conventional handicrafts and design, delving into the study of wellbeing. Simultaneously, it archives presented in the exhibition ‘Happiness is Found in Handicrafts’ and explores new expressions of handicrafts. Concerning the tradition and transmission of handicrafts, the workshop was revealed as both a place of encounter and a valuable tool for discovering the inheritors.
Creators : MIZUTANI Yumiko | SHIMOKAWA Matsue | HARADA Yusaku Updated At : 2024-05-23 03:02:54
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 671 - 689
published_at 2024-03-31
For the ancient nation of Japan, the area corresponding to present-day Yamaguchi Prefecture was a major source of copper. Copper produced in this area played an important role in ancient society, being used as material for the Great Buddha statue and coins in Nara. However, the prehistory of the region, i.e., the situation before the related industries were brought under the direct control of the central government in the early 8th century, has not been fully examined. This paper, therefore, first outlines the conditions under which related industries have flourished in the region since the Yayoi period. It will also elucidate that the roots of the technology can be found on the Korean Peninsula. The paper also points out that the existence of such industries in the region was a precondition for the central government to take direct control of the region.
Creators : WATANABE Shigeru Updated At : 2024-05-23 02:51:22
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 661 - 670
published_at 2024-03-31
In recent years, many places all over the country have been competing to attract tourists, and various"words" have been used to emphasize their uniqueness. On the other hand, rather than some official tourism pamphlets, guidebooks, and tourism websites, visitors are looking for information on the internet and social media, as well as word-of-mouth information from people who have visited tourist destinations. The authors of this paper would like to point out that because the transmission of information itself is changing in this way, the "effect of words" in tourism itself is also different from what it used to be. Since the image and brand of a region is determined by the kind of "words" used to represent the region, we must reconsider the "effects of words". Therefore, the authors investigated approximately 25 noteworthy events and projects that successfully utilized the effects of words, to clarify the following two points. 1) How do words work in improving the experiential value of tourism for visitors? 2) How do words work in encouraging residents' participation in the community development throughtourism? As a result, it was possible to classify words into four types based on their effects: a) "open recruitment type", soliciting comments from the public, b) "branding type", revitalizing the region through products and services that use characteristic words, c) "artist-mediated type", editing the words by third parties such as artists, and d) "narrative type", showing off the words and stories unique to the area. It was found that it is important to perform appropriate "editing" the words to increase the value of thevisitor experience and promote residents' participation in tourism exchange.
Creators : SAITO Tadashi | FUJIWARA Muku Updated At : 2024-05-22 16:32:40
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 651 - 659
published_at 2024-03-31
What are the characteristics of successful second language learners? What learning strategies do they actively use? SLA researchers agree that successful second language learners share the following five factors: ⑴ They are young, ⑵ Their L1 is similar to the TL, ⑶ They have high language aptitude, ⑷ They have high motivation to learn the TL, and ⑸ Their language learning method is effective. Of these five factors, only ⑷ and ⑸ can be improved by teachers’ efforts. First, the age of the learner and the distance between the L1 and the TL cannot be changed by educational intervention. It is said that innate factors strongly influence language learning aptitude and that what teachers can do is limited. Teachers can only motivate students with motivational strategies and encourage them to employ effective learning methods that go with SLA research findings. The purpose of this paper is to provide basic information on teaching English. It will explain the following five factors: how to foster communicative competence, three types of memory, experiential and analytical learning beliefs, roles of AI in English education, and English language proficiency that English learners in Japan are expected to acquire.
Creators : IWANAKA Takahiro Updated At : 2024-05-22 16:17:42
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 633 - 650
published_at 2024-03-31
Creators : ANKEI Yuji | ANKEI Takako Updated At : 2024-05-22 16:13:13
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 627 - 632
published_at 2024-03-31
Creators : AGARI Hideyuki Updated At : 2024-05-20 13:38:26
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 613 - 625
published_at 2024-03-31
This article is a field note from fieldwork conducted in September 2023 on Sansei and new Issei of Japanese descent belonging to the Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai. It serves as a field study of Yamaguchi Prefecture and Japanese immigrants. A is a Sansei of Japanese descent and born in the mainland United States. B was born in Japan when his father, a returned Japanese American, went back to Japan. C is a Peruvian Nikkei Sansei who immigrated to the United States after studying abroad. Before the interview, we visited the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo, an area known as a Japanese neighborhood, with a volunteer daent guide, who was a Japanese immigrant. Having common information about their experiences here, we conducted unstructured direct interviews. They discussed their ancestors' immigration, the war, the concentration camps, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team(an all-Japanese regiment), and their personal lives. This paper attempts to highlight the immigrant reality of the Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai on a personal level by comparing historical facts with personal family stories.
Creators : MIZUTANI Yumiko Updated At : 2024-05-20 13:22:35
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 591 - 612
published_at 2024-03-31
In response to the recent decline in fish catches caused by overfishing and marine pollution, policies have been implemented to conserve marine fishery resources by managing appropriate fish catches and recovering the resources. In this study, we took an improvement approach to consumer behavior problems and examined changes in personal image and behavior before and after lectures on marine fisheries resources for university students using PAC analysis.
Creators : KURIBAYASHI Natsuko | NARIAI Sakura | MIYOSHI Chisa | IMAMURA Chikara Updated At : 2024-05-20 13:08:42
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 581 - 589
published_at 2024-03-31
The beach ground cricket, Dianemobius csikii (Orthoptera: Trigonidiidae), collected from the mouth of the Kiyotake River, Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan (31.8°N, 131.5°E, 4.6 m elevation), is a bivoltine species and overwinters as the egg stage. This species has two wing forms, macropterous and brachypterous, and the macropterous rate at 28°C was higher in the long photoperiods. The effects of photoperiods on nymphal duration were small. The egg duration was affected by the rearing photoperiods of nymphs and adults and the egg-storing temperatures. The eggs were considered diapause eggs because when eggs were kept at 15°C for 20 weeks after oviposition, they were viable but did not hatch, regardless of the rearing photoperiods of nymphs and adults. At egg-storing temperatures of 20, 25, and 30°C, the egg duration showed two peaks, short and long, which were regarded as non-diapause and diapause eggs, respectively. The proportion of diapause eggs increased when the rearing photoperiods of nymphs and adults were short and eggstoring temperatures were low. When the rearing photoperiod of nymphs and adults was short, the diapause rate increased with increasing days after adult emergence. The egg diapause in D. csikii was determined by the rearing photoperiods experienced by nymphs and adults, egg-storing temperatures, and adult’s days after emergence. “Key words: adult’s days after emergence, egg diapause, egg-storing temperature, nymphal duration, nymph and adultrearing photoperiods, wing form”
Creators : ARAI Tetsuo | MATSUNAGA Yasuhiro Updated At : 2024-05-20 12:54:23
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 559 - 580
published_at 2024-03-31
In 1850, Fusemikaki created the guidebook ``KYUKI TEIYO'' as a guide to overcoming the famine.In the early modern period, there were many famines, and the food shortage was dire.The purpose of this paper is to examine the emergency Marine Products foods listed in the book and their standard Japanese names. Before the publication of “KYUKI TEIYO“,in 1734, the 8th Shogun Tokugawa Yoshimune ordered lords of the domain across the country to carry out an investigation of thee local natural resources.The Hagi domain also conducted an investigation into the natural resources of Nagato and Suo, and the results were reported to the shogunate. Words that were already identified as dialects were also included in the"KYUKI TEIYO"and written in the same manner. The"KYUKI TEIYO" was designed to be easy to understand for the general public, and is a valuable resource for understanding the Yamaguchi dialect of the time. Keywords: “KYUKI TEIYO”, famine foods, Yamaguchi dialect
Creators : SUGIMURA Tomomi | IKEDA Fumiko Updated At : 2024-05-20 12:33:17
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 545 - 558
published_at 2024-03-31
When writing Japanese characters, there is often a debate over the choice of characters among the three types: kanji, hiragana, and katakana. Particularly, for formal nouns with a vague substantive meaning, writing them in hiragana is recommended. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in instances where formal nouns are expressed in kanji. The purpose of this paper is to use the Balanced Corpus of Contemporary Written Japanese (BCCWJ) to examine scenarios in which kanji characters are chosen for the representation of "koto"(thing), contrary to the recommended hiragana usage in the case of formal nouns. The study also delves into the biased character choices observed in various fields when "formal nouns" are written in kanji.
Creators : IKEDA Fumiko | SUGIMURA Tomomi Updated At : 2024-05-20 12:23:56
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 537 - 543
published_at 2024-03-31
Kazuki Yasuo (1911-1974), known as the painter of the "Siberia Series," has a group of art objects called " Omocha " made from discarded or unwanted objects. This essay confirms that the " Omocha " are the starting point of Kazuki's artistic creation, and that they are deeply related to his paintings.
Creators : MATSUO Ryoko Updated At : 2024-05-17 17:01:27
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 527 - 536
published_at 2024-03-31
TAT stories created by students to determine an individual's uncertainty orientation were analyzed using text mining techniques. The stories that included an uncertainty motive were those in which the difficulty of the task was caused by the characters' lack of experience. This study created examples of stories both with and without uncertainty motives.
Creators : KOUHARA Sadafusa Updated At : 2024-05-17 16:57:03
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 511 - 525
published_at 2024-03-31
"History of Books and Libraries" is a library and information science education subject in Japanese universities. However, no study has analyzed the contents of the subject. Thus, this study aims to clarify the knowledge acquired based on analyzed textbook index terms. Therefore, the knowledge covered in the subject is (1) centered on specific persons and libraries, (2) mostly related to Japan, with the United States and the United Kingdom being covered abroad, while Asian and Islamic countries are not so common, and (3) the emphasis is on the modern period. Furthermore, while the knowledge could be mentioned in other courses for library and information science education, "History of Books and Libraries" may provide a broader and more detailed explanation than other courses. Although the curriculum was changed during the 2009 revision of the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Library Act, there was no significant change in the knowledge covered in the subject. Keywords : Library and Information Science Education, Librarianship, Library History
Creators : NAKAMURA Takuma | YOSHIOKA Kazushi Updated At : 2024-05-17 16:47:40
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 501 - 510
published_at 2024-03-31
Since incorporation, institutions of higher education have been urged to make decisions based on evidence rather than convention. One of these trends is the strengthening of the institute research (IR) function at each institution. However, it has been more than 10 years since the strengthening of the IR function attracted attention, almost no organization has seen an explicit organizational culture change. Insuch a situation, the phenomenal progress of digital technology has led to high expectations for DX (DigitalTransformation). In this paper, we will reexamine the essence of DX and present the vision of our DX/IR Promotion Office to realize a gradual transformation from a "conventional work style" to a "work style that is optimized to achieve business objectives". In addition, we will describe the proposed policy for materialization of the vision, based on the dialogue with the front-line level faculty and staff.
Creators : ABE Maiku Updated At : 2024-05-17 16:35:27
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 441 - 499
published_at 2024-03-31
There are many studies on the "Nenchu-Gyoji-Hisho," a representative book on annual events established in late antiquity.However, opinions on the main issues, such as its establishment and subsequent changes, have been divided among the scholars, and there are still no settled theories. In order to improve the current state of the research, this paper will analyze the character of this document from various perspectives based on the results of the original research on the main manuscripts. Nenchu-Gyoji-Hisyo・Annual event books・historical documents・old manuscripts
Creators : WATANABE Shigeru Updated At : 2024-05-17 16:29:44
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 407 - 440
published_at 2024-03-31
This study revealed that when edible flowers are used in baked confectionery, the amount of functional ingredients changes. The amount of polyphenols was higher in the rose family, Rosaceae, and was also found to be higher in red petals than in non-red petals. Anthocyanin content was higher in red petals than in non-red petals. The content of functional ingredients varies depending on the type and color of the edible flower, and it is thought that the content is particularly greatly influenced by whether the petals are red or non-red. Key words:edible flower, polyphenol, anthocyanin
Creators : SUGIYAMA Yuina | OHNO Masahiro Updated At : 2024-05-17 13:41:13
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 397 - 406
published_at 2024-03-31
With the global spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection since the beginning of 2020, a state of emergency was declared in Japan, and our lives have been severely restricted, with voluntary restraints on going out and cancelling events. Under these circumstances, children's cafeterias have spread all over Japan as an effort to support families with children in poverty and need. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire-based survey of children's cafeterias in Yamaguchi Prefecture in the early stages of the spread of the novel coronavirus infection, and discussed changes in their activities and issues, as well as the status of cooperation with schoolsand other organizations. Key words :the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, a state of emergency, Children's cafeteria, School
Creators : IMAMURA Chikara | NAKANO Riyo | KAWATA Kiri Updated At : 2024-05-17 13:30:48
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 337 - 350
published_at 2024-03-31
This study aims to examine the issues concerning the institutionalization of the Comprehensive Support System Development Project, in order to realize a community-based society as well as to assess the role of local governments in its implementation. First, the study outlines the background of the institutionalization of the project in terms of realizing a community-based society in conjunction with amendments to various laws. Next, I reviewed previous research. Then, with the use of case studies, the study investigates the practices of counseling support offices within the project, verifying how they implement the functions listed in Article 106-4, Paragraph 2 of the Social Welfare Act. The results showed that the practices of the counseling support office involves various roles, including identifying those who require support (outreach) in social work practices, initiating counseling support, providing support for participation, supporting community development and offering opportunities for continued accompanied support through collaborative activities arranged across multiple agencies. However, carrying out community development while providing individual support is challenging, and requires powerful backing from local governments. As one possible solution, this study suggests appointing public health nurses as community social workers, and becoming the key figures in community development within the framework of the Comprehensive Support System Development Project. Key Words:continued accompanied support,community development,public health nurses,community social workers
Creators : UCHIDA Mitsunori Updated At : 2024-05-17 10:58:21
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 323 - 335
published_at 2024-03-31
This study aims to analyze the feelings/thoughts of those who use the Self-Reliance Support System for the Needy, one of the support systems in the Comprehensive Support System Development Project, implemented by various cities and towns since April 2021. The objective is to provide insight into the forms of support required by support organizations (support providers) involved in this project. First, the study reviews previous studies to clarify the concepts of empathetic assistance and accompanied assistance. Next, three users of the Self-Reliance Support System for the Needy, were interviewed and their responses analyzed, then categorized into three parts: “Initial interview impressions”, “Thoughts on support and the support received”, and “Current thoughts.” The results elucidated the following four expectations that the users have of their support providers: “To listen carefully to them to fully understand their current situations facing everyday problems,” “To provide accurate support based on expertise,” “To accompany them on visits to relevant organizations and attend interviews with them,” and “To help with continued engagement.” The study found that the users’ first three expectations are met with the effective use of both empathetic and accompanied types of assistance, as mentioned in previous studies. However, the system is not fulfilling their fourth expectation of “continued engagement.” Based on the above findings, the study suggests that if the existing consultation support organizations cannot fulfill the role of a coordinator that forms the essential part of providing accompanied assistance, the public support institutions should take on the role in order to respond to the users’ expectation of “continued engagement.” Key Words empathetic assistance, accompanied assistance, the role of a coordinator, the public support institutions
Creators : UCHIDA Mitsunori Updated At : 2024-05-17 10:37:18
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 319 - 322
published_at 2024-03-31
Creators : HISHIOKA Kenji Updated At : 2024-05-15 16:20:29
Academic Archives of Yamaguchi Prefectural University Volume 17 pp. 279 - 318
published_at 2024-03-31
This article provides basic material for the study of Qiwu Qian, a poet of the High Tang.In addition to the Explanatory Notes, this article has been divided into the following sections: I “Main books and ebsites used in preparing this article,” II “Qiwu Qian’s poems,” III “Qiwu Qian’s prose,” IV “Biographical material about Qiwu Qian,” V “Material about Qiwu Qian’s acquaintances,” VI “Zhulu (here, records of Qiwu Qian’s anthologies, including individual poems),” VII “Shihua (here, discourse on poetry and the like that include references to Qiwu Qian and his poems),” VIII “Geographical works (here, works referring to place-names mentioned in Qiwu Qian’s poems and prose),” IX “Heyinshi (Ciyinshi) in esponse to Qiwu Qian’s poems (poems composed by other poets to match the rhyme [or rhyme characters] of Qiwu Qian’s poems),” and X “Bibliography of research on Qiwu Qian.”
Creators : KAWAGUCHI Yoshiharu Updated At : 2024-05-15 16:14:12