
Anatomical Structure of Ctenidium in the Japanese Razor-shell Solen strictus (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Eulamellibranchia)

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 64 Issue 3 Page 204-220
published_at 2016-03
[fulltext] 23.2 MB
Anatomical Structure of Ctenidium in the Japanese Razor-shell Solen strictus (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Eulamellibranchia)
Creators Yamamoto Ken-ichi
Creators Handa Takeshi
Creators Araki Akira
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Japanese razor-shell ctenidium food groove heterorhabdic pseudolamellibranch inner-filament connecting membrane inner-laminar connecting membrane
The structure of the ctenidium in the Japanese razor-shell Solen strictus was examined. The outer laminae and the inter laminae were connected at the base of the primary filaments opposing at regular intervals by the inter-laminar connecting vessel, and were connected triangularly from the food groove to the inter-laminar connecting vessel by the inter-laminar connecting membrane. The primary filaments and the ordinary filaments were jointed by the inter-filament connecting membrane which spread semicircularly. From the results, the gill type of the Japanese razor-shell was classified with the heterorhabdic pseudolamellibranch.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2016-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access