
Estimation of CO_2 partial pressure and bicarbonate concentration in the hemolymph of the noble scallop Mimachlamys nobilis

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 64 Issue 3 Page 188-194
published_at 2016-03
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Estimation of CO_2 partial pressure and bicarbonate concentration in the hemolymph of the noble scallop Mimachlamys nobilis
Creators Handa Takeshi
Creators Yamamoto Ken-ichi
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Mimachlamys nobilis cannulation hemolymph acid-base balance Pco_2 dissociation constant of carbonic acid
We examined hemolymph pH, total CO_2 content (Tco_2, mM/l), CO_2 partial pressure (Pco_2, mmHg) and bicarbonate concentration ([HCO_3^-], mM/l) in order to evaluate the acid-base balance of the noble scallop Mimachlamys nobilis in normoxic conditions. Hemolymph was collected anaerobically through a cannula after catheterization of the adductor muscle. The mean values of hemolymph pH and Tco_2 were 7.442 and 1.50 mM/l, respectively. Using the CO_2 solubility coefficient and apparent dissociation constant of carbonic acid determined in this study, Pco_2 and [HCO_3^-] were calculated as 1.55 mmHg and 1.44 mM/l, respectively. These values were in same range as those of the hemolymph of other marine bivalves of Mytiloida, Pterioida and Ostreoida.
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2016-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access