
Active learning using textbooks that integrate language and culture : a case study of Korean language and culture learning

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 13 Page 43-54
published_at 2020-03-31
[fulltext] 1.83 MB
言語・文化融合型テキストを用いた主体的な学びに関する考察 : 韓国語学習を事例に
Active learning using textbooks that integrate language and culture : a case study of Korean language and culture learning
Creators Kim Hyeweon
Creators Oh Hyangsun
Creators Chang Yunhyang
Creators Kim Jungae
Source Identifiers
In this paper, we've developed a Korean language textbook and used it in pre-intermediate Korean classes at several universities. This paper also mentions the benefits of language classes that combine language and culture. In these case studies of Korean classes, the language skills of the students vary widely, and intermediate classes are often small. Also, most of the students are more motivated to learn about culture than language. Recently, it has been observed that most of the students prefer learning cultural studies over language learning than languages. Therefore, we’ve made a language textbook to learn about Korean culture, and strengthened the selfstudy aspect before and after classes. During the class, many group activities were carried out that were easy to participate in even if the language level was different. As a result, it seems that the comprehension level of both language skills and cultural interests has increased. An increase in active learning ability is also observed in the students’ reflection sheets.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2020-03-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access