
Lim Hyunjung

The Influence of Japanese Learning Experience of Social Annoyance Recognition and Attention Behaviors

山口県立大学学術情報 Volume 14 Page 1-8
published_at 2021-03-31
[fulltext] 1.51 MB
The Influence of Japanese Learning Experience of Social Annoyance Recognition and Attention Behaviors
Creators LIM Hyunjung
Creators Tamaoka Katuso
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
日本語学習経験 社会的迷惑行為の認知 注意行為 韓国人日本語学習者 Japanese learning experience social annoyance recognition behavioral responses Korean learner of Japanese
本研究では、社会的迷惑行為に対する認知と注意行動が、社会文化的規範によって異なることを示し、さらに韓国人日本語学習者の日本語学習経験が社会的迷惑行為に対する認知と注意行為にどう影響するのかを検証した。日本(J)・韓国(K)および韓国語を母語とする日本語学習者(KJ)を対象に、18場面の社会的迷惑行為に対する迷惑度と注意の有無を分析した。決定木分析の結果、迷惑度は注意の有無にかかわらず、J > KJ > Kの順で高かった。また、KJの迷惑度がKとJの中間的な特徴を呈していることから、L2からL1への逆行転移の可能性が示された。さらに、KJの迷惑度を、注意の有無、日本語レベル、学習歴、日本滞在歴、日本人との接触頻度の4つの学習者属性を加えて重回帰分析を行った結果、有意な影響が認められたのは注意の有無と日本語レベルのみであった。
This study investigated how recognition of and behavioral responses to social conventions depend on socio-cultural norms and how native Korean speakers were influenced by these factors through the experience of learning Japanese. Three groups participated: native Korean speakers learning Japanese in Japan (KJ), monolingual native Japanese speakers (J), and monolingual native Korean speakers (K). The groups were surveyed on the degree of conflict they experienced in 18 different scenarios of social conflict and on whether admonishments are appropriate in a particular scenario. The degree of conflict was analyzed using the decision tree analysis, which indicated a descending order: J > KJ > K regardless of whether an admonishment was made. Since the degree of conflict experienced by KJ exhibited intermediate characteristics of K and J, a ‘reverse transfer’ from L2 to L1 could have occurred. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis was done for KJ’s conflict level according to four factors: (1) level of Japanese language ability, (2) length of Japanese learning, (3) length of stay in Japan, and (4) frequency of contact with native speakers of Japanese. The only factor which showed significant effects was the level of Japanese language ability.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 山口県立大学
Date Issued 2021-03-31
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access