山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 1 pp. 51 - 59
published_at 2018-03-30
Creators : TSUTSUMI Chikako Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2018-07-24 01:13:44
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 1 pp. 41 - 50
published_at 2018-03-30
Creators : MURATA Takanobu Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2018-07-24 00:58:06
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 1 pp. 31 - 39
published_at 2018-03-30
Creators : YOSHIMURA Takao Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2018-07-24 00:44:50
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 1 pp. 17 - 23
published_at 2018-03-30
Creators : SHIRAISHI Yukihide | FUKAZU Daisuke | TOSHIMA Naoki Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2018-07-24 00:00:00
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 2 pp. 59 - 62
published_at 2019-03-29
Creators : OKAMOTO Kazuya | NAKAJIMA Takeshi | YAMAMOTO Takahiro | ANNO Hiroaki Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2019-06-11 00:02:51
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 3 pp. 7 - 14
published_at 2020-03-31
Creators : ANNO Hiroaki Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2020-05-25 20:58:26
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 93 - 98
published_at 2022-03-31
山陽小野田市国際交流協会は,2019年1月に文化庁の「生活者としての外国人のための日本語教室空白地域解消 推進事業地域日本語教育スタートアッププログラム」に応募し,採択され,2019年度から3年間かけて山陽地区での日 本語教室立ち上げに取り組んでいる。筆者は,同協会の地域日本語教育コーデイネーターとして携わっており,本稿で は,2019年度から2021年度(中間)の日本語教室定期開催までの取り組みについて報告する。
Creators : シバサキ リエ Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-06 16:06:11
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 9 - 16
published_at 2022-03-31
Semiconducting clathrates are attracting a great deal of attention as potential candidates of thermoelectric material based on a design concept called Phonon Glass and Electron Crystal (PGEC). Since most of the thermoelectric clathrates are n-type, developing a p-type clathrate with high thermoelectric performance is an important issue. In this study, the electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of Ba8Cu6Ge40 clathrate are calculated based on density functional theory (DFT) to search for new p-type clathrates. An energy gap is formed in the electronic band structure of Ba8Cu6Ge40, and the Fermi energy lies in the valence band, indicating that Ba8Cu6Geぃis a p-type semiconductor. The effective mass of the valence band is larger than that of the conduction band. The Seebeck coefficient for p-type is larger than that for n-type, reflecting the difference in effective mass. According to the dependence of Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity on the chemical potential, adjusting the Fermi energy, corresponding to the carrier concentration, to the optimum value improves the power factor. Therefore, the results of DFT calculation show that Ba8Cu6Ge40 has excellent properties as a candidate for p-type thermoelectric materials.
Creators : ANNO Hiroaki | HASHIKUNI Katsuaki Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-02 14:35:45
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 1 - 8
published_at 2022-03-31
How can we get Japanese university students to give longer answers in spoken English? Longer answers come from being comfortable with using the target language. In this study, first I review some of the previous literature about increasing speaking output. Then, I will report on my own research. Two sections of the same class were taught by the same teacher for both 1st and 2nd year university students. The target independent variable was use of the Flipgrid website for oral submissions as well as reviewing other submissions. The working hypothesis is that being able to practice and being able to hear other submissions will lead to students giving longer oral responses during speaking tests. The two test groups used the Flipgrid website throughout the semester, and the two control groups did not.'Using Flipgrid'means to upload a submission as well as review at least two others for each of 6 assignments. Beginning and end-of-semester oral exams were given to 4 groups of students. The number of words per response for every student were calculated, and the results are presented in this study. I will reflect upon how the results of my study compare with what the previous literature on the topic says, and hope to use the results in future classes.
Creators : Murrell Hudson Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-02 11:39:18
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 67 - 73
published_at 2022-03-31
In spite of vaccination on a large scale, COVID-19 has continued spreading all over the world. In the history of Japan many epidemics such as Smallpox and Tuberculosis have broken out and taken many people's lives. In this study, I research on the epidemic outbreak of Cholera which was raging throughout the Choshu domain in 1858. It happened after Japan was forced to open the country to the Western countries, and Cholera spread almost all over Japan from the crew of an American ship in Nagasaki port who was infected in China. The Cholera epidemic was one of the reasons for the expulsion of foreigners from Japan. It was an age when neither vaccines.treatments.nor even original pathogens were known. How did the statesmen and people in the Choshu domain confront this terrible and unknown infectious disease? What did they leave as lessons for the future? In this study, I inquire into the following historical sources : One is the Ura Dairy written by Yukie Ura, an upper samurai.the Lord of Atsuki (a part of now Yanai) and one of the top political leaders of the Choshu domain. The other is the Furuya Douan Nichijou (Dairy) written by a doctor and educator living in a small village north of Shimonoseki at that time. The descriptions of the Cholera epidemic in the end of the Edo era give us useful hints about dealing with the challenges we face in our Reiwa period.
Creators : DOI Hiroshi Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-06 15:17:56
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 17 - 24
published_at 2022-03-31
Since 2020, school education activities have changed significantly to prevent the spread of the ℃OVID-19". "Online lessons," which appeared in search of resumption of educational activities while avoiding the risk of infection, became more widespread and established than expected and exceeded the original purpose of "avoidance of Three Cs." Anymore, it even shakes the significance of "face-to-face lessons" that have continued to exist as the most popular teaching method so far. Based on our interests, this paper aims to clarify the question, "How do students accept new learning forms such as online lessons and exchange of tasks via "Moodle", and how do they interpret them?". Our university has already conducted a questionnaire about lessons for students, and statistical processing can give an objective evaluation of lessons. However, the questionnaire survey consists of data that cut out human perception at a particular time. It disregards the series of processes that human encounters an event, accepts, understands, leading up to recognition. Therefore, we conducted an interview survey of several university students and a qualitative analysis using Modified Grounded Theory Approach(M-GTA), clarifying the process of accepting this situation and building their learning. In addition, we would like to identify the determinants that established the process of restructuring new learning and go beyond the binary opposition of "online or face-to-face" to deepen the essential understanding of lessons. We hope this knowledge will support learners'understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide a new perspective to contribute to teaching methods studies.
Creators : KOSUGI Shinji Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-02 15:43:39
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 49 - 57
published_at 2022-03-31
「鳩の翼』は、1902年に書かれたヘンリー・ジェイムズによる小説である。テーマは、ジェームズが繰り返し取り上げたテーマの1つである「国際テーマ」であり、主人公はこちらもジェイムズ作品に頻繁に取り上げられるAmericanGirl(アメリカ娘)である。 「鳩の楓」の中で、ジェイムズは多種多様な人間関係について取り上げている。主な登場人物は裕福なアメリカ娘、ミリー・シール、彼女のイギリス人の友人であり、メインで様々なプロットを作り上げる、ケイト・クロイ、そして彼女の秘密の恋人であり、ミリーが好意を寄せるマートン・デンシャーである。 この物語は、不治の病に冒されているミリーがロンドンに到着したことから始まる。ロンドンではミリーの莫大な財産によって、他の登場人物の欲望が刺激され、さまざまなプロットがミリーを待ち受けている。それらのプロットは主にミリーの富への欲求に基づいている。彼女の財産の後継者がいないので、ケイトとデンシャーはミリーを誘惑してデンシャーと結婚させるか、少なくともデンシャーがミリーから大金を相続するように計画を立てる。イギリスの費族であるマーク卿もまた、ミリーの資産の搾取に計略を立てる。 この論文では、富、社会的地位、周囲の人間関係およびデンシャーとの関係の観点からのミリーとケイトの比較が行われる。これらの違いがミリーに対する誘惑的プロットの主な原因であるためである。ケイトはデンシャーを誘惑して彼女の思い通りに彼を操る。つまりケイトが主導権を握っているのである。これは、この小説の最大の誘惑的プロットでもある。ミリーの場合、誘惑的とは言えないが、最終判断においてケイトとデンシャーの関係を修復できないほど変化させ、ケイトのプロットは一面では失敗に終わる。 この小説は、20世紀初頭に書かれたものである。この論文は資本主義の台頭や男性と女性の関係の変化をもたらした時代の変化、モダニティの観点からジェームズの作品を精査するものである。
Creators : TSUTSUMI Chikako Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-06 14:52:41
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 17 - 24
published_at 2021-03-31
「デイジー・ミラー」は、ヘンリー・ジェイムズの最も広く読まれ、研究された作品の1 つといえるだろう。この小説は、当時人気のあった旅行物語であると同時に、「国際テーマ」を取り上げた作品の嚆矢と見なされている。モダニティの観点から、この小説はさまざまな解釈の可能性を持って再読する価値があるといえる。いくつか例を挙げると、登場人物は単純化されており、より深い解釈が必要である。ヒロインの弟は、ほぼすべてのもの、人物に対しアメリカがベストという発言を繰り返し、現在のアメリカ第一主義を髣髴とさせる。アメリカン・マネーの経済力は Daisy が欲しいものを手に入れる手段として、物語の中で繰り返されているが、その源である父親については息子や妻によって言及されるだけで、経済力としての存在としてしか扱われていない。アメリカ・ドルの力は今でも世界中で支配的な力を持っていることを再考慮する必要がある。  ヒロインの Daisy は「アメリカの浮気娘」として単純化されており、彼女は物語を通してヒーローの Winterbourne を当惑させている。 Winterbourne は、女性の美しさを「観察および分析することに夢中になっている」ため、Daisy の闊達な自発性に不思議の念を感じずにいられない。この2 人の人物造型や関係性は、従来とは異なる視点から解釈することが可能である。  この論文では、この古典的な物語に新たにアクセスし、モダニティの観点から解釈したいと考えている。ここでのモダニティの観点とは、男性と女性の主人公の関係、経済力、市場の拡大、商品化された文化などである。さらに、都市小説, 紀行小説としての側面についても言及していく。
Creators : TSUTSUMI Chikako Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-06 23:44:03
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 41 - 46
published_at 2021-03-31
近年、無人航空機(本稿では複数の回転翼をもつマルチコプターについて論じることとし、以下「ドローン」と表記する)は、様々な産業分野で使用されるようになってきており、今後、ますますその活用拡大が図られるものと考える。ドローンは学校においても、学習指導や学校行事の記録、防災教育、安全点検、児童生徒の新しい技術の理解等への活用が考えられ、本稿ではその可能性について論じた。  ところで、ドローンの飛行に関しては、航空法や小型無人機等飛行禁止法、地方自治体の条例、無人航空機の安全な飛行のためのガイドライン等様々な規制やルールがあり、学校で自由に使える状況ではない。学校でドローンを効果的に活用するために、安全性に配慮するとともに、法的な規制や人的配置を見直すことなどの必要性について述べた。
Creators : UCHIDA Yozo Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-07 00:17:47
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 3 pp. 41 - 47
published_at 2020-03-31
Creators : FUKUDA Minori | NAKAMURA Hiroshi Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2020-05-25 21:57:17
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 25 - 33
published_at 2021-03-31
The activities of preventive care are important for extending life expectancy and improving the quality of life in an aging society. In order to spread these activities, the role of the community is important. “Ikiiki Hyakusai Taiso,” meaning lively 100-year-old’s gymnastics, is one of the preventive care activities operated by a local community. We analyzed whether there are any differences in the 12 elementary school districts regarding the data on living functions, physical functions, and medical expenses of the participants of the Ikiiki Hyakusai Taiso held in Sanyo-Onoda city. As a result, the Koyo Elementary School district was characterized by a few seconds of standing on one leg with eyes open, and low medical expenses. The community of Koyo Elementary School district has strong ties, and it is thought that preventive care activities are progressing with the help of local people. Akazaki and Motoyama Elementary School districts tend to have a high degree of certifications for preventive care. It is thought that this is because people who serve as self-government chairpersons and civil welfare officers and have a sense of mission play a central role in preventive care activities, and even those who find it difficult to participate alone in gymnastics can participate. It is important to strengthen local ties as a way of promoting preventive care activities. In areas where regional ties are not strong, it is considered effective to involve the chairman of the autonomy and local welfare officers.
Creators : NAKAMURA Hiroshi | FUKUDA Minori Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-06 23:56:58
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 73 - 75
published_at 2021-03-31
Creators : NAKAMURA Hiroshi Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-07 00:50:56
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 35 - 40
published_at 2021-03-31
Focusing on questioning skills as a component of critical thinking, this study examined a common classroom practice for developing these skills in students: comment cards. The purpose of this study was to develop a questionnaire that measures the effectiveness of comment cards by describing how students use them and what ideas and attitudes they foster among students.  A survey was conducted with 108 participants, making use of 15 question items regarding how teachers intended to use comment cards in classes and how the students responded. A factor analysis yielded 11 items divided into three factors . After testing the reliability of the model, a final version of the scale (the Scale for Measuring Effectiveness of Comment Cards) was produced.  The scale can provide researchers with a quantitative measure for examining the practical effectiveness of comment cards. When used in combination with scales on critical thinking and questioning, the scale can further provide insights into both the practical effectiveness of comment cards and the issues to be addressed.
Creators : FUKUDA Minori Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-07 00:04:35
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 3 pp. 89 - 96
published_at 2020-03-31
Creators : SHIRAHAMA Hiroshi | TANIGUCHI Konomi | MURABE Koudai | OCHIAI Junya | FUJIMOTO Yuri Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2020-05-25 23:53:25
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 7 - 15
published_at 2021-03-31
Recently, nanostructured materials or nanocomposites, rather than thin films or superlattices, are of increasing interest in creating a new material with high thermoelectric figure of merit. The approach of nanoscale control of materials by introducing nanostructures, such as nanoinclusions, nanointerfaces, etc., may have a significant influence on the transport properties due to the energy filtering effect of the potential barrier at interfaces, or strong scattering effect of phonons and/or carriers at interfaces, whose density increases with decreasing size of structure. On the other hand, it is also of importance to elucidate the mechanism of enhancement in the Seebeck coefficient for nanostructured material systems. The density functional theory (DFT) using non-equilibrium Green’s function (NEGF) method may be a powerful tool to calculate the transport properties of nanoscale systems. There are, however, few studies of nanoscale system for thermoelectric clathrates by DFT using NEGF method. Thus, we adopt the DFT using NEGF method to calculate the transport properties of nanoscale system of Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40, where nanogap acts as a potential barrier, as a model of nanoscale clathrate Ba8Au6Si40 system, to investigate the effect of nanointerface on the transport properties of thermoelectric clathrates. For Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40 system, the Seebeck coefficient value at EF is greatly enhanced. The electrostatic potential difference was found to be large at the nanogap for Ba8Au6Si40/nanogap/Ba8Au6Si40 system. The calculation suggests that the potential barriers at nanointerface, such as grain boundary, have a significant influence on the Seebeck coefficient. We also discuss the effect of nanointerface on the electron and thermal conductance.
Creators : ANNO Hiroaki Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-06 23:28:03
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 37 - 48
published_at 2022-03-31
この論文では、障害に阻まれながらも目標を達成した2人の女性に焦点を当てる。その1人は実在の女性 Anne Innis Dagg博士(1933ー現在)で、もう1人はJane Austen作Persuasion (1818)の登場人物・Anne Elliotである。これら2人の女性が生きた時代や生活背景は異なるため、ここで論じる問題もそれぞれ異なるものであるが、女性だからこそ直面した 問題であるという点で共通している。また、2人にはあらゆる面で違いがあるが、目標達成に向けて努力を惜しまないこ と、強さを持ち合わせていることという共通点がある。周囲の人々の反応が、どのように彼女らに影響を与えたかを論じ つつ、各々が歩んだ道のりを辿る。その際、目標達成を励ますものを探るのみならず、彼女らを取り巻く社会の慣習にも目を向ける。これらの要素は、彼女達の行動や思考様式に、大きな影響を与えている。 本論文の目的は、女性達が目標達成のために行った弛まぬ努力を振り返ること、彼女達が前に進むことを阻んだもの を分析すること、そして、困難を克服する際に彼女達の支えとなったものを探ることである。ロールモデルがいることで、困難克服は、より容易になると考えられる。
Creators : IKEDA Yoko Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-06 14:33:04
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 59 - 65
published_at 2021-03-31
我が国の教育機関として、江戸時代には、藩校をはじめ、全国各地に多くの郷校(郷学)、寺子屋、私塾等が存在していた。中でも、郷校は全国で108校あったが、防長(周防・長門:山口県)で19校あり、校数で全国1位の数であった。その意味においても、山口県には域内各地で教育文化が根付く土壌があったと言える。山口県で育まれた特徴的な教育文化や道徳文化を語る上で、非常に有効であると思われるものについて、(1) 吉田松陰の行動力、(2) 郷校「徳修館」の存在、(3) 金子みすゞの詩、などを挙げることができる。これらの内容と、今後の教育課程改革に繋がる理念について、本論文で明確にしたい。吉田松陰が主宰した松下村塾では、最近告示された新しい学習指導要領の中で強調されている「主体的・対話的で深い学び」に繋がる教育が日常的に展開されていた。熊毛の地にあった郷校「徳修館」では、最近の学習指導要領の中で強調されている「生きる力」を形成する「知・徳・体」の3本柱の立体構造性・順序性の教育理念が貫かれていた。天才的童謡詩人である金子みすゞの詩の中には、仏教的な理念に裏打ちされた東洋的な発想が基盤にあり、今後の教育や科学を語る上で有効である。これらの中には、初等中等教育において順次、実施が始まっている新しい学習指導要領の教育理念と本質的に合致するものがある。山口県の教育文化と今後の教育課程改革の理念を関連づけて考えようとしたことが、本論文を作成した動因である。
Creators : YOSHIMURA Takao Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-07 00:40:45
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 77 - 83
published_at 2021-03-31
Immediately after the Great East Japan Earthquake, I arrived at the university and started research on renewable energy that is resistant to natural disasters. For 10 years, I continued my research with my dear students in areas where other researchers have not done much. Among them, I would like to introduce three technologies that I have a strong feeling for. We have developed a transparent solar cell that converts ultraviolet rays into electric power, including its formation technology, and achieved the world's highest level of efficiency. It was possible to show that wind power generation with a diffuser using the wind lens effect can generate power even in weak winds. Furthermore, the soil microbial fuel cell originating from microorganisms has achieved 10 times the conventional power generation by introducing the novel porous body, which is our invention, and is close to practical use. This area has long daylight hours due to the coast of the Seto Inland Sea, and although it is weak, the wind always blows, and there are many lakes and rice fields. We would like to receive natural energy from them and convert it into electric power, which will lead to the realization of local production for local consumption of energy.
Creators : MORITA Hiroshi Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-07 01:07:35
山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学紀要 Issue 4 pp. 1 - 5
published_at 2021-03-31
Chromium has diverse oxidation states, the charges of +3 and +6 for chromium occur the most commonly within chromium compounds. Trivalent chromium (Cr(III)) is not toxic and is essential for living organisms. On the other hand, hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) is known to has the strong ability to oxidize and to be a carcinogen. Therefore, it is important selectively to determine of Cr(VI) for the analysis of chromium due to the difference of toxicity between Cr(III) and Cr(VI). 1, 5-Diphenylcarbazide (DPC) is a reagent which selectively reacts with Cr(VI) to color violet complex. We have developed a simple and sensitive analysis of Cr (VI) using a micro fluidic paper-based analytical device (μPAD) with the DPC colorimetric reaction. The fabrication of μPADs was carried out by melting wax with an oven after the pattern was printed with a wax printer. The detection spots were dropped DPC solution and dried. Then, the sample solution was dropped into the sampling spot and wicked to the detection spots. μPAD was scanned with a scanner, the color intensity for the detection spots was analyzed by an image analysis software. The RGB intensity of the images was analyzed, and the highest sensitivity was obtained when G-intensity was used. The detection limit of this device for the Cr(VI) analysis was 26.2 μg/L, the sensitivity for present method has been enhanced compared to the previous method (30 mg/L).
Creators : ASANO Hitoshi | MAEDA Taishirou | SHIRAISHI Yukihide Publishers : 山陽小野田市立山口東京理科大学 Updated At : 2021-07-06 23:11:34
Bulletin of Sanyo-Onoda City University Issue 5 pp. 25 - 31
published_at 2022-03-31
There is a need to develop new energy sources that can replace or complement renewable energies such as solar power generation and wind power generation, which have been put into practical use but have many problems in terms of economy and stability. The author has focused on the SMFC (Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell) power generation research as one solution to this problem. In particular, the control of microorganisms that are the source of power generation was examined to increase the electrical output, which is the key to practical application. By incorporating an inorganic porous structure into the fuel cell, the author has succeeded in accumulating microorganisms near the electrode for the first time. As a result, it was found that the output characteristics of the SMFC were remarkably improved by inserting the porous material, which was embedded in the soil in advance and promoted the accumulation of microorganisms and organic substances, in the vicinity of the anode. By improving the open-circuit voltage and the short-circuit current, the output power has increased about 6 times on average compared to the conventional one. It is considered that the reason for this is that the accumulation of microorganisms near the anode promotes electron charge transfer into the electrode, increases the amount of generated hydrogen ions, and accelerates the reduction reaction. Furthermore, the author tried to optimize the amount and arrangement of the inorganic porous material to be inserted, and to introduce iron ions that have the function of promoting electron transfer in the battery. As a result, excellent output characteristics for practical use could be obtained.
Creators : MORITA Hiroshi Publishers : Sanyo-Onoda City University Updated At : 2022-06-02 16:00:24