
Chiba Hajime

Actual situations at ships for the regulations about the prevention of marine pollution

大島商船高等専門学校紀要 Volume 54 Page 6-11
published_at 2021-12
[fulltext] 3.87 MB
Actual situations at ships for the regulations about the prevention of marine pollution
Creators Chiba Hajime
Creators Kanamura Masayuki
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Marine Pollution IMO regulations Maritime law PSC Marine Pollution Prevention Equipment
Marine pollutions from ships are caused by discharge of oil, oily bilge water, exhaust gas from engines, garbage, sewage, ballast water, etc. The international conventions and amendment of them have been issued by the IMO, and Japanese Maritime laws were also amended based on the conventions which gets stricter year after year. For effective operation of the conventions, ship crews and manufacturers are required to get and increase the knowledge of conventions. This paper proposed the effectiveness of the mutual understanding of the international conventions and the domestic laws, and the current status for people of maritime industries.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers 大島商船高等専門学校
Date Issued 2021-12
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access