
Yasumoto Shinya

New neutrophil types in red seabream Pagrus major infested with ceratothoa verrucosa : Fourth and fifth neutrophil types

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 68 Issue 3 Page 71-77
published_at 2020-01
[fulltext] 1.16 MB
タイノエに寄生されたマダイにおける新たな好中球型 : 第4種および第5種好中球
New neutrophil types in red seabream Pagrus major infested with ceratothoa verrucosa : Fourth and fifth neutrophil types
Creators Kondo Masakazu
Creators Yasumoto Shinya
Source Identifiers [PISSN] 0370-9361
Creator Keywords
Ceratothoa verrucosa red seabream Pagrus major neutrophil morphology
We report the morphology and cytochemistry of new neutrophil types (fourth type, N-4^{th}; fifth type, N-5^{th}) from Ceratothoa verrucosa (Cv)- infested red seabream Pagrus major with morphological abnormalities. The number of Cv in each infested fish was one (usual parasitism). The N-4^{th} and N-5^{th} were observed in the infested fish with mouth insufficiency (MI; Mouth closure was incomplete) and with MI plus exophthalmos (ocular proptosis), respectively. The bulging eyes contained bubbles. The first (N-1^{st}), second (N-2^{nd}) and third (N-3^{rd}) neutrophil types have been reported from Cv-infested fish showing usual parasitism without morphological abnormality, unusual parasitism with MI, and super-unusual parasitism with MI plus exophthalmos, respectively. Therefore, the N-4^{th} and N-5^{th} will be the intermediate types (N-4^{th}, between N-1^{st} and N-2^{nd}; N-5^{th}, between N-1^{st} and N-3^{rd}).
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2020-01
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access