
Usui Masakatsu

Effect of hot water washing and soaking on the arsenic content of the brown alga Akamoku, Sargassum horneri

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 61 Issue 1 Page 23-26
published_at 2012-09
[fulltext] 688 KB
Effect of hot water washing and soaking on the arsenic content of the brown alga Akamoku, Sargassum horneri
Creators Hanaoka Ken’ichi
Creators Miyamoto Shinnji
Creators Usui Masakatsu
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
algae arsenic compounds trace elements toxicity
Arseinc was determined through inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the acid-digested and diluted solutions of dried natural kamoku, Sargassum horneri, and its commercially processed product. The solutions from this product were obtained before and after washing/soaking with hot water, a traditional process before cooking in Japan. Each sample was also subjected to an extraction procedure for arsenic, which involved a nitric acid-based partial-digestion method by chemical speciation using HPLC-ICP-MS. The major arsenic compound detected was inorganic arsenic (V). Moreover, small amounts of organic arsenic compounds such as dimethylarsinic acid were detected, which were regarded as degradation products of dimethylated arsenosugars-the major organoarsenicals in algae.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2012-09
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access