
Sakai Harumi

Aquatic animals caught by a small beam trawl net from Hibiki-nada Sea off Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 63 Issue 2 Page 111-125
published_at 2015-02
[fulltext] 1.31 MB
Aquatic animals caught by a small beam trawl net from Hibiki-nada Sea off Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan
Creators Doi Hiroyuki
Creators Kushimoto Teppei
Creators Sonoyama Takayuki
Creators Ishibasi Toshiaki
Creators Sakai Harumi
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
trawl fishery fish invertebrate rare species by-catch biodiversity
Aquatic animals fished by 37 operations of a small beam trawl net at the Hibiki-nada Sea off Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan, were surveyed in all seasons from 2002 through 2009. A total of 317 species including 1 chordate, 204 fishes (FS) and 112 invertebrates (IV) were caught. Among them,126 FS and 75 IV were judged as rare (caught in less than 8 operations), 36 FS and 28 IV as occasional(8 to 14 operations), 21 FS and 8 IV as often(15 to 22 operations),16 FS and 1 IV as frequent(23 to 29 operations), and 5 FS and 0 IV as general (more than 29 operations). Sixty-eight FS and 28 IV were caught in all seasons,107 FS and 71IV were in spring,139 FS and 79 IV were in summer,148 FS and 81 IV were in autumn, and 125 FS and 43 IV were in winter. From distributional point of view, 70 FS and 42 IV were subtropical species, 91 FS and 62 IV were temperate region species, and 43 FS and 7 IV were large areal species.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2015-02
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access