
Sakai Harumi

Hormone injection-induced maturity and insemination of the bronze puffer Auriglobus modestus

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 71 Issue 1 Page 11-20
published_at 2022-12
[fulltext] 1.18 MB
Bronze puffer Auriglobus modestus のホルモン投与による人工催熟及び授精
Hormone injection-induced maturity and insemination of the bronze puffer Auriglobus modestus
To improve breeding techniques for aquarium freshwater pufferfishes, hormone injection (hCG, 10 IU per g)-induced maturity and insemination of Auriglobus modestus from Thailand were undertaken, and morphological development of eggs and early stage larvae observed. Artificial insemination was performed two to five days after hormone injection. Although no fertilized eggs resulted from artificial insemination utilizing a wet (freshwater) method, an isotonic (sodium lactate ringer solution) method produced 458 fertilized eggs out of 787 eggs (fertilization rate 61.7%) spawned by one female, although only 8 larvae (1.7%) eventually hatched. Eggs were oval [long axis 2.05 ± 0.06 mm, short axis 1.68 ± 0.06 mm (n = 5)], translucent, demersal, and adhesive, and contained a number of small yellow oil globules. Oval eggs are unusual among pufferfishes, although common in the genus Chonerinos, an indication of the genetic closeness of the latter and Auriglobus, but also suggesting ecological similarity. The eggs hatched after 2 days, larvae one day after hatching [4.54 ± 0.34 mm NL (n = 9)] having a large yolk sac. However, the mouth remained unopened, the optic vesicle uncolored, and the pectoral fin membrane undeveloped, except for small knob-like rudiments. Seven days after hatching, larvae [5.22 ± 0.10 mm NL (n = 3)] had lost the yolk sac and acquired rudimentary soft rays in the pectoral, dorsal and anal fins. All larvae died after eight days. DNA barcoding comparisons (COI gene, 652 bp) of several pufferfish genera indicated a close genetic relationship of Auriglobus and Chonerhinos, being nested in the same clade.
Creators Momota Kazuyuki
Creators Doi Hiroyuki
Creators Hashiguchi Yasuyuki
Creators Sakai Harumi
Creators Murakami Shoki
Creators Obata Hiroshi
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Auriglobus modestus induced breeding hormone injection artificial insemination DNA barcoding
Languages eng
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2022-12
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access