
Nakanishi Ryota

Artificial shelter preference by the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 62 Issue 1 Page 39-45
published_at 2013-09
[fulltext] 979 KB
Artificial shelter preference by the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica
Creators Araki Akira
Creators Nakanishi Ryota
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Eriocheir japonica Japanese mitten crab artificial shelter body thickness
Preference for artificial shelter with various height by the Japanese mitten crab Eriocheir japonica was studied. Three experiments were carried out. In experiment 1, E. japonica was a nocturnal species with a greater propensity to shelter during the daytime. In experiment 2 , among shelters of different height [crab body thickness (BT)×1,×2 ,×3,×4and×5], crabs significantly preferred shelters that height was between BT ×2 and BT×3. In experiment 3, natural specimens of E. japonica were hiding in the space (= natural shelter) with various height, that was formed under a boulder stone. Those height of space ranged from BT×1 to BT×11, and both the median and the mode was BT ×3. It was concluded that the most favorite space which was selected by E. japonica had a height from BT×2 to BT×3.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2013-09
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access