

Viable Bacterial Counts of Fish Meat and Fish Drip under Cold Storage Condition

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 61 Issue 4 Page 248-252
published_at 2013-03
[fulltext] 2.54 MB
Viable Bacterial Counts of Fish Meat and Fish Drip under Cold Storage Condition
Creators FUKUDA Tsubasa
Creators HISHIKAWA Naomasa
Creators TAHARA Yumiko
Creators FURUSHITA Manabu
Creators SHIBA Tsuneo
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Fish-spoilage Sea food Viable count Fish-meat Fish-drip
Viable counts of bacteria were determined on fish-meats and -drips prepared from refrigerated packed fillets, by using nutrient agar incubated at 20℃. The numbers in the drips were always higher than the numbers on the meat. The difference was in the range from 5 folds to 31 folds when the numbers on fish meat were at the other of 107 CFU/g, and being higher when the count on fish meat exceeded 10^8 CFU/g. In a case of fish meat samples the number of bacterial of which was in the range from 10^5 to 10^8 CFU/g, the difference was from 5 folds to 51 folds.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2013-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access