
Fukuda Tsubasa

Viable Counts of Bacteria Determined on Food Fishes by the Standard-Agar-Plate Method Incubated at 35℃ and Nutrient-Agar-Plate Method Incubated at 20℃

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 60 Issue 4 Page 183-188
published_at 2012-03
[fulltext] 1.62 MB
Viable Counts of Bacteria Determined on Food Fishes by the Standard-Agar-Plate Method Incubated at 35℃ and Nutrient-Agar-Plate Method Incubated at 20℃
Creators Fukuda Tsubasa
Creators Furushita Manabu
Creators Shiba Tsuneo
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
Fish-spoilage Sea food Viable count Psychrophic bacteria
Viable counts of bacteria were determined on food fishes with two different culture methods; 35℃ incubation of standard-agar-plate and 20℃ incubation of nutrient-agar-plate after inoculation of aseptically diluted food fish samples. Eighty five specimens of raw fishes, sashimi, and defrosted fishes were collected from retailers in Shimonoseki city. Most of the counts determined with the nutrient-agarplate method were higher than those of the standard-agar-plate method(the official guideline method of hygienic quality). In a case of the largest difference, the nutrient-agar-plate count was two hundred folds higher than that of the standard-agar-plate count. Especially, the viable cell counts on defrosted fishes showed a significant difference between the nutrient-agar-plate counts and the standard-agar-plate
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2012-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access