
Hirayama Hiroki

Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophils from Whip Stingray Dasyatis akajei

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 65 Issue 4 Page 189-194
published_at 2017-03
[fulltext] 2.51 MB
Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophils from Whip Stingray Dasyatis akajei
Creators Kondo Masakazu
Creators Higashikawa Shouki
Creators Hirayama Hiroki
Creators Yasumoto Shinya
Creators Takahashi Yukinori
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
stingray Dasyatis akajei neutrophil morphology cytochemistry
Four types of granulocytes, neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil and small eosinophilic granulocyte, were observed in peripheral blood of whip stingray Dasyatis akajei (Dasyatidae, Myliobatiformes, Batoidea, Elasmobranchii). The neutrophil is the only phagocytic granulocyte and had two types of chromophobic granules (βG: type A, βG-A; type B, ϐG-B) with core in the cytoplasm. The ϐG-A was long-elliptic shape or round (round or oval), and consisted eosinophilic core and chromophobic surrounding. The ϐG-B was round (round or oval), and both core and surrounding of this granule was chromophobic. Several lysozomal enzymes were detected in ϐG-B, but the positive site was different among enzymes: Acid phosphatase,α-naphtyl acetate esterase and naphthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase were detected in the core, whileα-naphtyl butyrate esterase was in the surrounding. The neutrophils lacked alkaline phosphatase, ϐ-glucuronidase and peroxidase. The core of ϐG-A showed positive reaction to hematoxylin stain (Mayer’s).
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2017-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access