
Hirayama Hiroki

Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophils from Triakidae Sharks (Banded Houndshark Triakis scyllium, Starspotted Smooth-hound Mustelus manazo and Spotless Smooth-hound M.griseus)

Journal of National Fisheries University Volume 67 Issue 3 Page 141-151
published_at 2019-03
[fulltext] 1.11 MB
ドチザメ科サメ類 (ドチザメ, ホシザメ, シロザメ) の好中球の形態学的および細胞化学的特徴
Morphological and Cytochemical Characteristics of Neutrophils from Triakidae Sharks (Banded Houndshark Triakis scyllium, Starspotted Smooth-hound Mustelus manazo and Spotless Smooth-hound M.griseus)
Creators Kondo Masakazu
Creators Tateishi Kohei
Creators Hirayama Hiroki
Creators Yasumoto Shinya
Creators Takahashi Yukinori
Source Identifiers
Creator Keywords
shark Triakis scyllium Mustelus manazo Mustelus griseus granulocyte morphology cytochemistry
Two types of granulocytes were observed in peripheral blood of three species (banded houndshark Triakis scyllium, starspotted smooth-hound Mustelus manazo and spotless smooth-hound M. griseus) of Triakidae sharks (Carcharhiniformes, Galeomorphii, Elasmobranchii). The neutrophil of each shark was the only phagocytic granulocyte and had two types of granules (neutrophil granule, NG; type A, NG-A; type B, NG-B) with stratified structure. The NG-A was consisted of three layers: chromophobic inner layer (L0), eosinophilic middle layer (L1) with chromophobic outer layer (L2). A round eosinophilic particle was observed in L1 of some NG-A. The NG-B was round or oval, and both inner (L0) and outer (L1) layers of this granule was chromophobic. Several lysozomal enzymes were detected in L0 of NG-B. The L0 of T. scyllium NG-B was β-glucuronidase (β-Glu) positive, but acid phosphatase (AcP) negative. Conversely, the L0 of NG-B from M. manazo and M. griseus was β-Glu negative (AcP positive). The L2 of NG-A also alpha-naphtyl acetate esterase positive. The neutrophils lacked alkaline phosphatase and peroxidase. In this report, morphological and cytochemical similarities of neutrophils among elasmobranchs were discussed.
Languages jpn
Resource Type departmental bulletin paper
Publishers National Fisheries University
Date Issued 2019-03
File Version Version of Record
Access Rights open access